Tuesday, December 31, 2019


This blog-entry was launched on the last day of a month, a year, and a decade.

Today is December 31, 2019 here in Anderson, Indiana (which is on Eastern Standard Time -- for now, anyway). This is the time I'll be using when determining what time and day it is. There will be a live hyperlink added below sometime on the first day of January 2020  (my time).


Traveling Route 2020

I'm planning on adding some more live hyperlinks a little later while it's still New Year's Day 2020...

(Change-Of-Plans:  The other live hyperlinks will be added through the 85th Anniversary of the birth of Elvis Presley.  After that, live hyperlinks and other info will be added below the bottom squiggle line.)

DO Stay Tuned...

Other information will be written below this line through December 31 2020...

Monday, January 13, 2020

So far, so good with this brand new year in a brand new decade.

Already, I've gotten some significant things done this year even though a combination of the weather and a bug that I'm getting some extra rest to cure have slowed me down some in my quest of playing catch-up.

Click on the following meme to open it and read my comment:

Catch you later!

Remember:  This is a work-in-progress blog-entry, so keep returning to read additions.  If you like what you see, please share the link to it.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

A John Pavlovitz Shout-Out Created On Thursday, December 26, 2019!!!

This is a sampling of what makes John Pavlovitz score high points in my book!!!

Thanks, in advance, for doing your part in helping to make this awesome guy go viral!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas Non-Stop

Note: When you see a hyperlink of the same word/number/phrase/etc., don't automatically assume that it leads to the same place because, more times than not, it won't.  Have fun clicking on them to see where they go.  It's like opening wrapped presents to see what's inside.  

I'm beginning this blog-entry on Sunday, December 22, 2019 and will be continuing it through
 The Twelfth Night  of 2022.

During this time, Christmas Day will be arriving three times and The Twelfth Night will be arriving four times. We will say "Goodbye!" to 2019, 2020, and 2021 and say  "Hello!" to 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Anyway, this is a blog-entry that I'll be adding to even when it isn't Christmas as a way of keeping the Christmas Spirit alive all year long.  When I add some new things, I'll let you know by drawing attention to this blog-entry.

I'm expecting a lot of things to happen that would be fitting to share in a blog like this -- things that will lift your spirits when you read about them.

Not all things will be sugary-sweet, but I'll be mostly positive when I add to this.

This will be all for now...


(Stay Tuned & Please Share This Page)

It's About Time...

It's now officially winter here in Anderson, Indiana with the date when autumn became winter being yesterday (Saturday, December 21, 2019), which was also the shortest day of the year (at least, in the part of the world where I live).

This blog-entry will be added to through the first shortest day to happen after I turn 70 on December 12, 2022, "God Willing & The Creek Don't Rise ..."

For starters, check out what I began working on early this morning and finished a few hours later this morning...


It's now a little before 5:30 PM and it's still Sunday, December 22, 2019.

I'm adding this to share a link to a blog entry called (just as this one is) It's About Time...
as well as to share a Tweet I made about this new venture:

That's all for now...

(Stay Tuned For More)

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Let's Get This All Sorted Out!!!


Larry "The CanMan" VanNess 3/18/15

It was the day after St. Patrick's Day in 2015, and I was still living in Muncie and had come over to spend a few days in Anderson.

Larry was still living in North Anderson across North Broadway from Shadyside Park at the time.

This is what I wrote back then in ... my ... Facebook ... photo album reserved for pictures I took of Larry to go along with these priceless pictures:


The day after St. Patrick's Day 2015, I rode the North Anderson CATS bus (and the amazing guy at the end is cool bus driver Earl Boyd who's 
a laugh a minute) out to see Larry where I gave him a bag full of various ones of his favorite things -- including, of course, cans and tabs. I took several pictures of him waving to those driving by along North Broadway (waving and waiting to wave). Isn't he just as cute as a button!?!

Actually, he's even cuter than a button! Just imagine (if you haven't actually seen this for yourself already) that face of his lighting up like a little kid at Christmas when he gets tabs for Ronald McDonald House of Indiana and when people wave and/or beep at him as they go by! Heartmelting! Okay, Everybody!!! On the count of three... 1...2...3...Awlllllllllllllllllllll.......


This is the sequence of pictures I took with these being him waiting for people to drive by...

All too soon, my bus arrives...

...and it's time to go back to the terminal and -- sometime after that -- back to Muncie.

These are two pics of Earl and Larry talking while he puts the lift down for me...

As Earl and I (along with everybody else on the bus) head back to the terminal, I take a picture out the window of the bus showing Larry on his way to take his bag of goodies to his apartment...

And here is Earl getting ready to get me to ground-level back at the terminal...

I hope you enjoyed this story and will tell your friends about Larry.

My Folks In 2003


2020 Vision

This blog-entry is being launched on Sunday, December 15, 2019 and will be added to through Thursday, February 17, 2022 which will not only be the Diamond Birthday of Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness but is, also, Random Acts Of Kindness Day.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

This Is A Morning Of So Much To Do...

This is a morning of so much to do before noon, and noon is less than an hour away from now here on Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Anyway, I decided to embed a copy of this one post where I, among other things, wished 9 very special people Happy Birthday, but it isn't showing up that I did, so I'm going to send a message containing a link to the blog-entry you're reading now in those spaces where you can send greetings to everybody that contains what I'd originally written where they had been tagged to receive birthday greetings.

Have I confused you yet!?!

Anyway, here's the post from Facebook.  Hope you'll read it all, and I hope everybody with a birthday today will enjoy reading this and finding out what all is going on while they're celebrating their birthdays.

Later on (perhaps, later today, or starting the next day), I'll let you know how the rest of the day went.

Tomorrow's my 67th birthday, by the way...

Monday, December 9, 2019

Watch 'em Grow!!!

Some blog-entries I create get stretched out for days, weeks, months, and even years.

My plans are to keep adding to this one through my 70th birthday which will be taking place on December 12, 2022.

I'm starting it on December 9, 2019 which is on a Monday this year.

The first two that I'm going to share are:

Let's Book Larry And Put Him In A Museum, Too!!!


Wikipedia Shout-Out

and plan to be adding some more during the next few hours (even adding some overnight).

I plan on having at least 5 different ones appearing here by sometime during my 67 birthday which will be taking place this coming Thursday.

Will sign off for now as I need to take care of some other things...


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Let's Book Larry And Put Him In A Museum, Too!!!

Today is Saturday, December 7, 2019, at a little after 2:30 PM EST, and this is the latest thing I've written about my favorite CanMan and shirt-tail cousin, Larry, who is doing not only our town but, also, places here and there proud.

You're going to be hearing more and more about this awesome guy as time goes by.

He might not be perfect (who IS besides Jesus), but he's definitely an outstanding person and a hero who has made a lot of positive differences so that life on this planet is so much better for having him been born here.

I'm going to be adding to this page a little bit later today and will add to it through Sunday, December 15.  I'll tell you why I picked that date a little later.  For now, I need to think about getting ready so that I won't miss a parade he's going to be part of in not quite three hours from now...


As things turned out, I ended up staying home -- but that didn't mean that I missed seeing Larry & Rachel's float.  It looks even better than I'd imagined it looking, and they both look wonderful.

Check out all of those ways to decorate a Jeep!!!

I hope that those of you who are actually there will be taking lots of photos and videos...

That's all for now...


And here is the video where the actual parade begins, and my view of it is very unique:  Inside of the float where Rachel turns her phone camera back and forth so that it shows the parade route ahead part of the time (Great turnout!!!) and shows what's happening in the float part of the time.

I had originally meant to actually be there, but was getting the feeling that the best place for me to be tonight was right here in my apartment and, now, I know why!!!

Will probably be adding more to this while it's still December 7, but this will be all for now...


Today is Sunday, December 8 -- and late in the day at that.

A lot has been going on.

If you go to this blog-entry and scroll down the page, you'll come across a post about when all of those tabs were being made.

They looked really good to me, but they looked even better when I saw the videos I posted yesterday -- but the following photo (which I've finally gotten around to sharing here today -- which is Tuesday, December 10) says it all...

Today is Sunday, December 15, 2019 -- but not for too much longer.

Anyway, I said that this blog-entry would be finished on December 15 and that I would tell you why I chose this particular date.

The reason is that Dave Clark of The Dave Clark Five was born on December 15 (somewhere within the range of 1939 - 1942), and the band sang an upbeat song called Glad All Over -- and one thing for sure is that Larry makes people feel glad all over!!!

Anyway, I'm sticking to this schedule and will now switch you over to this new blog-entry to catch you up the rest of the way...

Monday, December 2, 2019

Wikipedia Shout-Out


This blog-entry was launched on the second day of December 2019 -- the same day that I chipped in to help keep this wonderful site going strong.

The amount that I donated was the smallest donation option available -- but more details about that below.

Anyway, Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001, and you can CLICK HERE to read more about how it started and what has happened to it over the years as well as being kept up with its progress, both now and in the future.

On January 15, 2022, Wikipedia will be turning twenty-one, so I plan to keep this blog-entry active (i.e. adding new Wikipedia-related thoughts to it) between now and sometime that day.

I wonder how things will be on that day.

By then, it will be almost a year since INAUGURATION DAY 2021.  I wonder who will be POTUS at that time and how our country and THE REST OF THE WORLD will be doing.

Of course, there will be people reading what I've written here who won't be residents of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, so -- when I say (as I did in the last paragraph) "our country" -- I'm writing as the resident of the same.

I'm a senior-age woman who was born on December 12, 1952 -- which means that, at the time of this writing, I'm 10 days away from my 67th birthday -- in ANDERSON, INDIANA one day after my state turned 136 years old/young.  This December 11 will be Indiana's 203rd birthday.  This is where I still live.

Even when I was away at COLLEGE and when I lived in MUNCIE from October 1, 2014 - November 16, 2016, I still kept an Anderson address (the latter one being my post office box and a driver's license that still bore the address of where I'd lived last).

Until I was a little over a year and three months old, I lived in an apartment in the city that isn't far from where I live now.

Then (early spring of 1954) my folks and I moved to our farm that was, at that time, around 2 miles south of the city limits -- becoming closer as the city limits moved further south.

This was where I lived (the last of us on this side of Eternity) until September 9, 2013 when I became homeless for awhile.

I'm hoping to be back to living on a farm again by or before September 9, 2020 -- which will be 7 years since I pulled out of the driveway of the farm where I'd grown up for the last time.

I've been on quite a journey and have learned a lot since then.

If I remember correctly, I believe I first began using Wikipedia in 2007.

In the time to come between now and late on January 15, 2022, I'll be sharing more of my story about my use of this great site and how I've discovered more and more reasons to make it a place I usually visit at least once-a-day whenever I get online.

Even now, there are still things to be discovered re: my use of Wikipedia.

Look below to find out more about the donation I made today.

Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001.  CLICK HERE to find out who was born 72 years before that.

Five days after the launching of Wikipedia, a new POTUS took office.  He is one of the five Presidents (four former and one current) who are still on this side of Eternity as of today (December 2, 2019).  I'm going to list them in order of when they first took office.

Do you know which one took office the same year that Wikipedia was launched without looking?

Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump


Stay tuned for more...

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Skinny On WritingDotCom

Coming Soon:  More Info...

It's The Last Day Of November 2019, And...

I found this flashback and just had to share it because it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!

Think I'll be returning throughout the day and just sharing whatever I'm in the mood to share here.

For now, this (the contrary cat with all of the presents) is all I'll be sharing.

The current time is (by my computer clock that's not supposed to lose minutes but does) 3:32 PM


I've decided to extend the time to add to this until the end of the first business day in December -- which will be on Monday, December 2.  So, I'll do the last update to this blog-entry sometime on Monday night.  I can't believe that we here in most of Indiana will be into the month of December in less than an hour from now...


It's now the first day of December, and I'm going to start the day off by sharing a couple of Larry-related posts.  As you can see from the first one, it's a good thing that Larry had already moved out of this place last summer.

Thankfully, everybody got out of this building safely.

Here is what Larry will be doing on December 7 (this coming Saturday!!!)

And these are the details of not only the parade but, also, what the Christmas Season is going to be like here in Anderson, Indiana USA...

Today is December 3 for a few minutes more, and I've decided to keep this blog-entry active until the day after my birthday so that I can add a whole lot more to it...

Friday, November 22, 2019

This Is *SO* Raccoon!!!

On November 20, 2019, I created this Tweet:

On the same day, a fellow Tweeter liked my Tweet, having discovered it due to how I had hashtagged the word Raccoon.

The name of this Tweeter's TwitterTurf was (and still is as of this writing):

The same picture of raccoon every day
 / @thesameraccoon

Here is the featured Tweet on the day I discovered this interesting place:

Here's the featured Tweet for today when I'm back here creating this blog-entry:

Having said that, I'm going to share some of the history of this TwitterTurf...

The first raccoon picture was Tweeted on October 17, 2018 shortly after this Tweeter joined.

Except for this one Tweeted eleven days later on October 28...

...the same raccoon was Tweeted every day of the rest of 2018 (final one of the year shown below).

On New Year's Day (January 1, 2019), the first raccoon picture was replaced by the new one shown below:


What are my plans for this blog-entry?

The way I see it now, my plans are to keep adding to it through June 8, 2024, which will be the 110th anniversary of the birth of my uncle, George Willard Jobe, who reminded not only me but, also, several others of a cute baby raccoon.

What will I be adding?

Various things related to raccoon.

I hope to be adding more even before this day is over, but I'm going to go ahead and get it published for now.

At this time, this TwitterTurf has 522 followers and will have 523 as soon as I join them.

I wonder if there will be even more followers after I tell more people about it.  We shall see...

Anyway, I think I'm going to make this Part One of the grand-opening of this blog-entry here on

Friday, November 22, 2019

And will be back a little later to add Part Two...


And here is Part Two, which will be short 'n' sweet where I'm going to say that I didn't know until, less than a couple of years ago, the word raccoon is like the words deer and reindeer in that it can be used to describe both one and more-than-one of this cute, little animal.

The words raccoons, deers, and reindeers aren't correct words.

Of course, I've been aware of this in regards to the last two for years -- at least for 56 years ago today when I was in fifth grade and my classmates and I (along with the fourth grade class) were running through the music that would be used for our upcoming Christmas pageant.

One of the fourth grade boys kept insisting on adding the s to reindeer even when he knew better just to be silly and to annoy our music teacher.

Here is a LINK to take you back to that Friday afternoon.

That's all for today...

It's the last day of November, and I'm finally getting around to adding this new photo and story with an explanation why.  This beautiful woman is really missed.

To be continued...

Bullying Isn't Cool!!!

This is the link that will get you to this blog-entry so you can share it:


The meme below inspired me to create a special blog-entry on the subject of bullying that I'm going to be adding to through the 100th anniversary of my mom's birth:

April 6, 2022.

If she saw somebody being bullied, she'd intervene to bring it to a halt.  She didn't use violence to do this  -- she, simply, in a calm manner, let the bullies know that she was watching them, and that was enough to make them lose interest in their bullying game.

Today's day is November 22, 2019, so the end date of adding to this blog-entry will be about 2 1/2 years from now.

Be sure to return often to look for new additions keep sharing it with others...


Stay Tuned For Future Additions...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Dad Was Born 102 Years Ago Today (The Sequel)

Just wanted to organize this into something to share even better.

The next thing on my list is trying to make it to the polls in time to vote after staying here at the library getting the word out to others to vote...

What you see here are some of my own choices and might not be yours, but -- no matter what -- it's important that you get out there and vote today. Hopefully, I'll be voting right along with you -- and I'll DEFINITELY be voting both in May and November of 2020, God willing and the creek don't rise!

Will update you in another entry as soon as I get online again... (tomorrow?)

My Dad Was Born 102 Years Ago Today

This is a special tribute to my dad on the 102nd anniversary of his birth.  I have a whole lot going on but will give it my best shot with what I have...

Stay tuned for more...

And here's what I wanted you to stay tuned for...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Shout-Out For Rachel

A few days ago, I gave a shout-out for Rachel's friend, Jaz.

Today, I'm going to do a shout-out for Rachel and keep adding to it for a year and a day.

Today is Wednesday, October 23, 2019 -- and I'm going to keep it going through October 24, 2020, which will make seven years since our mutual friend, Larry, and I became friends.

It was through Larry that I met Rachel.

I'm going to begin by showing one of the things that Rachel loves to do and what an understanding husband she has in Jerry.

Here are some very haunting photos...

You've heard of white elephants and pink elephants -- so how about some big, green elephant ears!?!

I think that will be all for now but will be returning soon...


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Twilight...Thursday October 17, 2019

New Orleans Jaz (With One Zee)

Today is Thursday, October 17, 2019, and I'm starting a blog-entry I'm dedicating to Rachel's friend Jaz and will be adding to it through February 8, 2022, which will be 75 years since my folks got married and took a honeymoon road-trip with the majority of their time being spent in New Orleans during the Mardi Gras time.

On a recent road-trip, Rachel made a special stop in New Orleans just to get with Jaz again and find out the latest on her.

I believe you'll enjoy reading about her, and I hope you'll look her up if you happen to be visiting New Orleans.



Monday, September 30, 2019

From Bullied Child To Famous Idea Man


...When I arrived at the library and got on Twitter, I found that I had a message from a very special person with inspiring TwitterTurf.  One of the things that I noticed was that she had shared another person's message about her brother who was being bullied in school.

She was asking that people create positive Tweets to comfort and encourage her brother, so I shared mine.  Click on my response to the Tweet below to read the whole sequence.

...Anyway, I decided that I was going to make a special blog-entry that was dedicated to Thomas Edison and other people with their own personal challenges.

I'm going to be adding to this blog-entry until the end of February 11, 2022, which will be the 175th Anniversary of his birth.

Here is a story I wrote called Carried where you'll find that my mom and I are enjoying one of his inventions: the phonograph.

At this time (September 30, 2019), I have a place reserved for Electricity Comes To Cunot, Indiana (this being so since August 13, 2018) but haven't filled it in yet except for the introduction.  At the right time (likely, very soon), I'll be sharing that story there.

Here are a couple of neat videos I found that go along with the part of the theme of this blog-entry, which is that you never know what the future will bring...

No matter how hopeless things might seem now, DON'T GIVE UP!!!

This is ready to be posted.  Will add more to it at a later time...

Just back on here for a minute to let you know that I'm cross-posting with the blog-entry called Hillbilly Music, Classical Music,Drama, Johns, Etc.

I've been so busy today that I haven't even started on the "important business" that needs to be taken care of no later than today.  Hope there are no problems with this.

That's all for now.

This is going to be a very busy week -- in fact, the entire month is going to be busy.  Hopefully, I can get my computer fixed soon so that I can get back online at home again 24/7.  I also hope to get my minivan working this year, but one thing at a time...

I've just launched a companion Sheet to this blog-entry here on Monday, October 14, 2019.  That's all I'll be writing here for now.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hillbilly Music, Classical Music, Drama, Johns, Etc.


Today is Friday, September 27, 2019, and I've decided to add this to the top of this blog-entry.  This is a short version of what I've written about on down in this blog-entry -- which is that I'm going to keep adding to it through Monday, October 14, 2019.  No telling what all it will contain by that time, but it will definitely include all of the things mentioned in the title, so stay tuned, and be sure to share this with others. 


Today is Wednesday, September 25, 2019 all day long -- and the last time that I was here was this past Sunday (the last day of summer) -- which is why I give my previous entry the title of Summer's End 2019.  You can go there to make better sense out of today's entry -- which I'm going to be writing throughout the day today.  As I see it, I'm going to be spending the entire day at the library (minus the time when I'll be away from it to go to a meal and giveaway and to take what I got at the giveaway (I'm assuming it will be toilet paper and granny panties) back to my apartment so I don't have to deal with them on the walk back tonight.

Anyway, I'm going to tell you about the first John now.  He's the one who's a neighbor, and we're into history and music (He used to play in several bands, and his voice is still very good -- something I noticed when he was singing along with some of the country music on TV.  I'd told him that there ought to be some kind of a way for him to cut an album and put it on YouTube and that his granddaughter (a singer and musician in her own right though not discovered in a big way yet but with the potential to be) could help him with that.

I've been in touch with several musicians in the area (plus some not in the area), and I'd love to think of them getting together somewhere and jamming (or even jamming separately with John singing from his apartment while listening to the music of the others through headphones).

John doesn't get far from his home base at this time, but some of those musicians might even come to visit him and others in the community room.  It would just be really nice.

We had a really great time with a local historian a few weeks ago, thanks to a neighbor named Lorraine who got him here.  I asked her Monday at the baked potato bar (which she had also organized) when he would be back again, and she told me probably sometime after the first of the year.  My response was "That long!?!"  He was really great, and I didn't want to wait that long to hear him again.  Anyway, I have his information, so I can at least stay in touch with him (and I know now where I remember him from -- but that's another story).

Anyway...back to the part about hillbilly music,,,

I'm going to write as much about it as I can in the time I have left before leaving for the lunch and giveaway.

When I return here later, I'll add some tags to it, if I haven't added all of them already.

Here's the description of the 8-part series I've been watching, and I plan to use my ON DEMAND feature to watch the entire thing before the free period ends (will be having information about each of the eight parts and for how long you can watch them here before the day is over unless something comes up.

Here is the description of the series:

Country Music (2019-)  Director Ken Burns presents a comprehensive look at the history of country music in America and its evolution throughout the 20th Century from its early years in the 1920s, when it was termed "hillbilly music'" to the rise of bluegrass and rockabilly, how Nashville, Tenn. became the epicenter of the country music industry.  Highlighting the connection between country music artists and their fans, the series concludes in the mid-1990s when a young Garth Brooks helps bring country music to a whole new level.

At this point, I'm going to go ahead and post what I have of this and will add some more tagging when I get back online again.  The last tagging I did was baked potato bar, so any tagging in this section that you'll see after that will be added after I'm back online again.


It's almost 4:30 PM, and I've had a really great day so far.  Now, I'm back at the library, and the first thing I'm going to be doing is adding some more tags.  Then, I'm going to say some more about the Country Music series...

Here are the different parts, and you can watch them ON DEMAND for FREE until the dates given if you have this feature as part of your cable service.

As most people know, I live in Anderson, Indiana and have Xfinity which powers both my TV and my computer (although the latter is ailing at the moment [ON/OFF switch is dead] until my goddaughter is able to get over and fix it).

John says that it's either the power supply or else the motherboard.  He hopes that it's the power-supply, as that can be fixed in a matter of minutes while fixing a motherboard problem can take considerably-longer.  However, he reassured me that no files would be erased even if it were a motherboard problem -- which is a big relief to me.  Once the problem is fixed, everything will be back to normal again.

This PBS series is airing on WIPB out of Muncie, Indiana (Channel 49 -- which is Channel 2 on my TV).

It looks as if I'll have to continue writing the rest of this tomorrow beyond putting up the schedule.

#1  The Rub (Beginnings -- 1933)  Ends October 6

#2  Hard Times  (1933 - 1945)  Ends October 7

#3  Hillbilly Shakespeare  (1945 - 1953)  Ends October 8

#4  I Can't Stop Loving You (1953-1963) Ends October 9

#5  The Sons and Daughters of America (1964 - 1968)  Ends October 13

#6  Will The Circle Be Unbroken?  (1968 - 1972)  Ends October 14

#7  Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way (1973 - 1984)  Ends October 15

#8  Don't Get Above Your Raisin (1984 - 1996)  Ends October 16

Going to sign off for now, but stay tuned for the next time I'm online when I'll have quite a bit more to share with you (as I've implied in the title of this blog-entry).  I hope you'll get to watch this series, as it's nothing short of amazing!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

I've made a decision to keep adding to this blog-entry for awhile and watch it grow.  Think I'm going to make the day when I make my last addition to it October 14 (which falls on a Monday this year).  Hopefully, I'll be back to computing from home by then.

One of the most memorable things to happen on that day in 1950 was when Aunt Kate and Uncle Don got married.

This has ties to country music as Aunt Kate (usually known as Kathy Williams by the people in Nashville and the one on the left side of the picture below) was the all-over fan club president for Hank Snow and the regional one for Marty Robbins.

The only one of the eight parts of Ken Burns's series that I haven't seen yet was the first one, so I'm going to use my ON DEMAND feature to watch it soon (likely, later tonight).

Anyway, the blog-entry will deliver 100% of what its title promises by the time it reaches its conclusion -- and September 26 is a great day to focus on the Classical Music part, as George Daugherty is turning 64 years young today!  He was born on Marty Robbins's 30th birthday!

Here are a couple of videos of him that I hope you'll enjoy...

During the building of this several-days-in-one blog-entry, I'm going to be giving you bits of trivia here and there that you might find to be interesting (hope so, anyway).  But I'm getting close to being ready to close it for the evening so that I'll have time to visit several other places while I'm still able to be online tonight.

I might add some other tidbits to this later, but I'm going to stop for now with one special song that reminds me of a very special lady who has been on the other side of Eternity for several years.  I'm going to be telling you more about her and how we met, but I'll say for now that this song by Gene Watson reminds me of her...

I believe that I have the year right that Rebecca Ott was born, but I KNOW that I have the day right:  September 26, 1909 -- which would make this the 110th anniversary of her birth, if I also have the year right.

Anyway, she was quite a legend in Indianapolis (at least, in her area of the city).  Some people liked to pick on her and cause her trouble because she was different and definitely had a mind of her own.

But, for those who opened their hearts to really know her, they would find a real rose of a lady!

Coming up soon:  September 23 was a time when a very unique wedding took place back in 1977, and a future writer, producer, actress, and then some was celebrating her first birthday...

For now, I'm winding this blog-entry up for the day...

Friday, September 27, 2019

The time I'll be spending in the library today will be limited, but I'm going to make it count.

First off, I want to share something that I just read:


Today’s Soul Advice: What’s with the new definition for snowflake as weakness? All humans are like snowflakes, and we should absolutely take pride in that. Every snowflake shows off a different, gorgeous pattern, yet they are all made of the same stuff. Some are more similar than others, sharing pieces of patterns, but all are unique, beautiful and have a delightful sparkle.


I found the message on DailyVibe.

And the DailyVibe message inspired me to go back to find something I posted a week ago on my Timeline and share it here.  I believe that the two messages go together.

While I was there, I visited Lee Pennington's Timeline and found a picture and story that goes along with all of the country music subject matter that I'm collecting in this blog-entry.

I'm going to be telling you more about Lee Pennington in the future, but I'm going to say that he once told a very moving story about some wildflower seeds that his mom had shared -- which is what made me think of him on this day when I read a very special morning devotion from this little booklet I found in a free giveaway.  However, I'm running out of time for today to say more, so I'm going to sign off until next time...

One more thing:

Okay!  I'm outta here!!!

Sunday, September 29, 2019 

I didn't make it to the library yesterday -- and didn't even leave my apartment (thanks to how spirited Auntie Flo was -- she has slowed down considerably now).  Spent my day either in bed or else watching some very good TV movies that I'm going to recommend to you later, if I don't run out of time today.  I need to be leaving here in a couple of hours to get to my next destination.

Before I went into my apartment to stay, I heard that an upstairs neighbor had suffered a serious stroke and needed prayer -- and that she might not live through the night.  Today, nobody knew any news on her, so no news is, hopefully, good news.

Forty-two years ago, the days of September 27 & September 28 were very special ones for me.  I knew where I was on those days -- with part of it having a country music flavor to it in at least three different ways.  These are the three country music singers involved (in first-name alphabetical order):

Chet Atkins, Conway Twitty, and Ronnie Milsap.

Will write about why those days are so unforgettable to me sometime, but I don't have time to today.

But I DO have time to share a little bit of soul with you...


Today’s Soul Advice: The path you walk is all your own, whether you’re strolling along a dirt lane, yellow brick road, sidewalk, or forging a totally new way. No one, whether they have walked before you or follow after you, will experience the journey like you do. Your thoughts and insights along the way are all yours. Own your life path and purpose.


 ...-- and I can tell you about my walk to the library today:  rainy but, thankfully, no lightning and/or high winds.  I hope that neither of the latter figure into my going to and returning from First United Methodist Church where I'll be enjoying a meal and getting some food before returning home.  After that?  God only knows!  There are a lot of things going on in October -- with several happening for sure and, possibly, happening during the next two weeks.  My dance card is full for sure on the first, second, seventh, tenth (MANDATORY RESIDENTIAL MEETING THAT DAY AT TWO, SO I'M NOT EVEN LEAVING HOME UNTIL IT'S OVER WITH!!!).

Will, likely, be raining when I leave the library (hopefully, no lightning and/or high, gusty winds), so I'm going to need to be sure to get some paper towels to take with me to wipe off my rollator after I arrive.

Enough said for now (time is almost 3 PM), but will, likely share more later before breaking camp in about an hour...

This is the second status report I posted on Facebook today...

and this is the first...

I haven't posted anything new on Twitter -- YET! (Current time is 3:20 PM)...

At about 3:30, I posted my first Tweet of the day...

...and I would like to believe that at least some of what I've been sharing will make one or more positive differences.

I'm going to share something here that relates to that...


Your Daily Wisdom

Words are incredibly potent. They can uplift someone’s spirit and make them feel incredible. They can also tear down someone’s soul and cause them great pain. Use your words as tools of healing and fortification rather than as weapons.


Monday, September 30, 2019

I'm happy to report that I got online again to find that my hits went from 897 from yesterday to 903 when I got online today, and it's now at 904.

I've also begun a new progressive blog-entry called From Bullied Child To Famous Idea Man.  This new one is going to be added to through February 11, 2022.  Click on it to find out why.

It's 5:13 PM and marching on, and I'm getting some business things done.

Here is the Tweet I made about this:

Will fill you in on more details later...

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I've had a very busy day but no time to talk about it until tomorrow...

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

I've had a busy and interesting October so far and, still, no time to go into detail -- except to say that part of it included an eagle's eye view of the city and some very late hours.  That's all for now...

Thursday, October 3, 2019 

...I'm spending a little bit of time at the library this morning and have gotten several things taken care of even before I left home.  My plans are to be spending time online in sessions placed between spending time at various elsewheres.  So I should be back later.

Here's a little guide that will keep you up with me a bit.  Today, I'm going to be going to apply for re-certification for food stamps.  I thought I was going to be going one place today but found out that I'm going to be going another place.  Then, I'll be going to the place where I thought I'd be going today when it's time to apply for energy assistance.

I've been getting quite an education when it comes to the various challenges brought about experiencing poverty in and out of "the system."  As for myself, I've had a life where I wasn't so wealthy that I had more money in my life than I could spend, but I was very comfortable (upper middle-class -- as in daughter of two people in local management for General Motors).  By the same token, I've also been part of the homeless population -- but I call it Princess Homelessness, as it never involved sleeping on a sidewalk or in a box, and I didn't do any dumpster-diving.

But no time to talk about that at the moment, as I need to take care of some other things...


I'm just one step away from receiving food stamps again -- and it's a very easy step.  Once this gets done, I'll be getting food stamps on the 17th of every month.

Do you know what this means!?!  It means that every February, I'll be getting them on Larry's birthday.

Here's the latest news about Larry (at least, the latest news I know here at 7:14 PM)...

Be sure to click on the other hyperlinked parts of this status report as well.

My guess is that, by the time I talk to him later tonight, Larry will have counted even MORE tabs towards his 21st million!

Will sign off when it comes to writing more here on October 3.

Tomorrow, I'm going to be going to a resident meeting and a chicken-and-noodles dinner at my apartment building, but I hope to be over here at the library when it opens tomorrow to really catch you up on things, as a lot has been going on.

I wonder if my TV will still be working when I get home tonight.  I'm surprised that it still is, as I had been dealing with a two-month cable bill and making a partial payment to keep my service from being interrupted.

However, that wasn't in my budget this month.  Anyway, I'm going to be enjoying it for as long as I can but not making any major plans with it.  Hopefully, I'll have enough in my budget to take care of things with all of those wonderful Hallmark Channel Christmas movies soon to start airing and when I can't depend on not having things slick underfoot between home and the library and back home again.

I'm learning about some possibilities that will me back on my feet again with food stamps being one of them.

That's all for now...

Monday, October 7, 2019

I ended up staying in all weekend and resting up as I could tell that I wasn't giving myself enough stretch-out time for my lymphedema.

So I mostly took it easy -- though I also did some housework, baking, etc.

My TV stayed on until Saturday afternoon.  Now, it's off until I'm able to pay to get it back on again.  Hopefully, my computer will be fixed by then so that I can join the cyber crowd at any time of the day.  With the days getting shorter and winter on its way, this is very important.

Anyway, I'm not going to say much more here today but will, instead, wait until tomorrow after I get done with running some other errands.

There is so much to tell you -- just not time to do it tonight.  I want to start breaking camp by seven so I'm not walking home in the dark -- especially, with all of the street repair going on.  I need to see where I'm going so that I don't fall into a "sinkhole."

But I'm going to conclude today's addition by sharing a special message from Larry...

I said that the pic of Larry would be my last thing to post here today, but I couldn't resist posting a pic of the family who has made Dapper Cat Cafe a reality.

Okay!  I'm shutting up for now...

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

I never made it to the library yesterday, as I was kept busy in other areas of Anderson.  I don't even have time to tell you all about it now.  This whole week is going to continue to be very busy.

Today is the 79th Anniversary of the birth of John Lennon.

Sorry not to have more time to say more -- but I can tell you that he would very likely like what's happening at the places I went today that I'm shouting out now:

I'll be glad to have my computer up-and-running at home once more so that I'll have more time to say more each day.  The truth is that I'd have more time even now if I didn't have so many places to go.

Life is amazing!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Just a note to let you know that the pictures that aren't showing up here will usually show up if you click on them and go to their original place at Facebook.  Here's the latest one I've shared here:

Earlier today, I created this Tweet before leaving to run some errands...

Got a lot of things done that I needed to get done this weekend during a few hours today.

I won't have time to go into a lot of details for now but will be telling you a little more in a little bit...

(Stay Tuned)

Below find my final addition of this day.  As far as I know, I'll be adding to this for the next two days, as Monday will be the one when I'll be tying up loose ends here.

I hope that you'll have a truly blessed weekend -- and beyond...

Sunday, October 13, 2019

This will be short and sweet.  Going to do it with some embeds...

Monday, October 14, 2019

(Stay Tuned For Grand Finale...) -- and here it is:

This is the final addition I'm making to this blog-entry.  This has been a busy time for me, so I'm just going to give you links to two places where I'm going to be adding to them through February 11, 2022.

From Bullied Child To Famous Idea Man


My Thomas Edison Sheet
While I'm at it, I'm going to add one more long-term project that will keep you up with me and will soon tie up any loose ends that I haven't managed to get to with this entry:

The Rags-To-Riches Rag

Thanks so much for reading this, and I hope you'll continue reading me even though I, likely, seem to be frequently flaky.  LOL