Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas Non-Stop

Note: When you see a hyperlink of the same word/number/phrase/etc., don't automatically assume that it leads to the same place because, more times than not, it won't.  Have fun clicking on them to see where they go.  It's like opening wrapped presents to see what's inside.  

I'm beginning this blog-entry on Sunday, December 22, 2019 and will be continuing it through
 The Twelfth Night  of 2022.

During this time, Christmas Day will be arriving three times and The Twelfth Night will be arriving four times. We will say "Goodbye!" to 2019, 2020, and 2021 and say  "Hello!" to 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Anyway, this is a blog-entry that I'll be adding to even when it isn't Christmas as a way of keeping the Christmas Spirit alive all year long.  When I add some new things, I'll let you know by drawing attention to this blog-entry.

I'm expecting a lot of things to happen that would be fitting to share in a blog like this -- things that will lift your spirits when you read about them.

Not all things will be sugary-sweet, but I'll be mostly positive when I add to this.

This will be all for now...


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