Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Seven Saturday Songs & Two Saturday Graphics

Today is Wednesday, June 19, 2019, and here I am already talking about Saturday. June 22, 2019.

There are a couple of things I know will be happening on this particular Saturday with one of them being that it will be the first full day of Summer 2019 which came on the scene sometime the day before.

Another thing I know is that I've decided to keep adding to THIS BLOG-ENTRY throughout that day before calling it complete.

You will find more details about this when you go over there before the night is over.

But this is a blog-entry I've made in celebration of that!


Wednesday, June 19, 2019 -- Plain 'n' Simple

Today is Wednesday, June 19, 2019, and I'm going to grow this blog-entry all day...or, at least, during the time that's left of this day, as it's now a few minutes after 1:30 in the afternoon.

Thanks, in advance, for reading it, keeping an eye on it, and sharing it with others.

Let's make it go viral, OK? - OK!...

For starters, there has been a slight change in plans, and this is what it is:

Instead of finishing this blog-entry sometime before midnight tonight, I'm going to be finishing it tomorrow night -- and this will definitely be a milestone time to finish a blog-entry such as this one, as it will be the last full day of The Summer Of 2019.

Originally, I had plans to finish it tonight (which is another milestone day -- and you will know why [if you're reading this on June 19 or June 20 of 2019] by the time I put the finishing touches on this blog-entry.

Of course, you will know why if you begin reading this at some date in the future -- but you just won't be witnessing me posting it in real-time but will, instead, be reading history).

And I've now decided to extend it even further, as you can see from this Tweet:

But, even after composing this Tweet, I still was fine-tuning my plans.

Just wait and see what's coming next...


Good Morning!!!

It's now June 20, and I have no idea what all I'll be adding to this throughout the day.  What I know is that I'm going to have a very busy day today and might or might not be adding very much else to this until I'm in for the day.

However, I wanted to be sure to include this post that's simply with the latest (to date) news about Anderson, Indiana's own Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness.

The latest news is that I'm going to be adding to this blog-entry until sometime before the midnight between the first full day of summer (Saturday, June 22) and the first Sunday of summer (June 23), but I won't be adding anything more here until later on today.

The current time is 8:56 AM ...



Friday, June 14, 2019

Driving My Minivan

Story will be starting to appear soon (by or before 2:30 PM on Friday, June 14, 2019), so stay tuned...

UPDATE:  It's now 2:17 PM (Yep!  I did that on purpose!)*, and this story is now beginning...

Anyway, it has been written to go with this Tweet:

*For those of you who don't know what the significance of 2:17 PM / 2:17 AM /or, simply, the number 217 is for me, it just happens to be the birthday of this sweet guy (born February 17, 1947).

Oopsie!  Looks as if I messed up a bit trying to post it at exactly 2:17 PM (Anderson, Indiana time)!  Will need to go back and make repairs, so be watching for improvements.

Okay!  It seems to be fixed for now, so I'm going to go ahead and put up the repaired version and, then, continue with the story...

This blog-entry will be experiencing a lot of activity throughout this day, so peek back ever so often to check it out.

Here is the game plan for this blog-entry (as I see it now here on Friday, June 14, 2019):
It will be added to through June 12, 2022.

Why this particular date?

June 12 is my half-birthday, and I bought AJ's Groovy Igloo (my name for my 2002 Pontiac Montana, FYI, if you've just started reading my story about this amazing vehicle) in June of 2002, so this will be around the 20th anniversary of when I found my dream vehicle (click here for something I shared recently: a blog-entry wishing the neat guy who sold AJ's Groovy Igloo to me way-back-then a happy 45th Birthday -- meaning that he had just turned 28 when he sold it to me and I was 49 -- as well as including a slice-of-life from the first big road-trip I took after buying it).

Anyway, I have a lot of old memories to share about driving around in AJ's Groovy Igloo -- and I hope to start making some new memories with it before the month is over and will STILL be making new memories in it on June 12, 2022.

Stay tuned for the journey...

The first thing I'm going to do today is to share a LINK to something I wrote yesterday that brings the dreams of Larry (counting his 20,000,000th tab before June's over) and me (having AJ's Groovy Igloo road-ready before June's over) together.

I'll probably be back later on today to share some more stories about the early days of my minivan and me...


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12, 2019 (Part Two)

Here's a link to the previous entry I made:

June 12, 2019 (Part One)

At this point, I've decided to keep adding to this entry I'm writing now through December 12, 2019 when I'm another year older -- but, hopefully, not deeper in debt.

Anyway, I had a very good day today but no time to write about it now if I'm to get this posted while it's still my half-birthday.

I'll write in here again a little later with more details of my day -- and more details about the future of this blog-entry...




June 12, 2019 (Part One)

For starters...


is my last entry from yesterday.

I'm now getting ready to turn off my computer until sometime late this afternoon or early evening.

This is the last Tweet I'm sharing at


for now...

... and the last Status Report I'm sharing at


before shutting it down...

It's now a little after 7 a.m. and I must be on the 8 a.m. bus...

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

June 11, 2019 Is Drawing To A Close...

Here's a recap of the early part of today.

Now, I'll give you a few more details.

Obviously, Larry had a great day, and you can read all about it below by clicking on the


in the upper-right-hand  corner of the picture

I had a great day, too, but not a lot of time to go into detail except that it involved riding three different buses with four different drivers, and I'm building the foundation for getting my "real life" life more organized.

And I still had time to sit outdoors (both early in the day and later on) just to visit with my neighbors and enjoy the really nice weather.

Good Morning! It's Tuesday, June 11, 2019...

This is the continuation of
where I did some writing and some dishes along with some organizing.

I'll be going out again soon for a really fun and productive day.  For now, I just wanted to share this heartmelting pic of Larry...

and to also mention that

Little Free Library

celebrated its 10th birthday last month (May 17).

Tomorrow, I'm celebrating my half-year birthday that will also be the 96th anniversary of the birth of my uncle...

June 12, 1923 - September 11, 2001

My original plans for today were to get to the bus station in time to catch the earliest bus, but it looks as if I'll have to settle for taking the second earliest bus.  That will be soon enough, but I don't want to be any later than that.

This means that it won't be long before I turn off my computer and will get back with you later...

Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019 Continued

Earlier today, I posted this message and have now returned to give you an update.

It turned out that there was plenty around here for me to get done, so, I stayed in and did it.

Still AM doing various things to get my Real Life life more organized but have now returned to Cyberspace as well to get things done there as well.

So far, I've been very satisfied with how my day has gone and believe that tomorrow will be at least as good if not better.  I plan to be ready to make my first trip out of here in time to catch the earliest bus and have breakfast out on-the-cheap.  Details about that tomorrow...

Anyway, I'm probably going to make another post in here tonight -- either tonight or shortly after midnight let you know how the rest of this day has unfolded...ttfn                                      

Monday Has Arrived, And...

...the week ahead should prove interesting where I'm trying to do several things at once...

Here are my last status reports from...

Facebook (Please open this status report by clicking on it, as there are some very awesome people mentioned that I'd like for you to meet):



I had hoped to have already been out-and-about today, but I just have to work with what I have.

This week, I hope, will be one where I get a considerable amount of catching up done.

Please keep me in your prayers, love, and positive thoughts...

I hope I can get my minivan working soon and take off on a much needed vacation.

Already, I'm thinking about which road-trip I want to take first (more about that later) ...

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Grandma's Brush With The Law...

What's the REAL story?  Click the Facebook icon in the upper right-hand corner to find out...

Thursday, June 6, 2019

"It Is The Evening Of The Day..."

The title of this blog-entry is the beginning of this beautiful song that I first heard sung by Mick Jagger ...

...and, after that, heard the version of it sung by Marianne Faithful ...

Which version is my favorite?

They both are.

Anyway, it truly is the evening of the day now.  In fact, it will soon be night.

Earlier today, I shared this entry here where I shouted out a lot of people who were celebrating birthdays this week.

Tonight, I'm sharing a link to a story that one of my favorite writers (John Pavlovitz) wrote about the unexpected passing of his dad.

As you can find out by going here, I've also known what it's like for somebody to pass away unexpectedly.

Anyway, my day went really well today, and I was able to get a lot done.

I'll tell you more about that the next time I write here.

I know that I'll be getting out even earlier tomorrow and will be doing quite a bit of riding around on several of our city buses, as I have quite a few places to go.

That's all for now...

Getting Ready To Sign Off And Run Errands...

Today is a day when I need to sign off for awhile and run some errands that MUST be done TODAY (as in Thursday, June 6, 2019 -- the 75th Anniversary of D-Day).

I'm gradually catching up with my life -- but more about that in the near-future.

For now, this is all she wrote...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Happy 45th Birthday, Chad Castor!!!

A little bird (well, actually, my Facebook Notifications) told me today that Chad Castor is having a birthday.

His co-workers at Toyota of Muncie where he is the General Manager are already making a big fuss over him and created this neat post (Click on it to get to their original post, which includes a comment section where you can wish Chad a Happy Birthday):

Anyway -- without even realizing that his birthday was today -- I wrote about the minivan he sold to me back in 2002.  The Grand Prix that I drove before that was actually sold to my dad for me to drive by Chad's dad, Rex.  I named it Junior Valentino, and I'll tell you why at a later time (See link that I've made near the bottom of this entry to get to a place I've set aside for such stories...).

I'll also be sharing more about Chad and Rex there, as they deserve to be shouted out!

I love how things come together at just the right time!  I call them Godwinks ...

Anyway, I want to share more stories about AJ's Groovy Igloo and other stories about life behind the wheel, so I've created this progressive entry:

Behind The Wheel

I'll now close this entry with this song that makes me think of my dad and grandpa who both contributed to my love of being behind the wheel at a very early age.