Monday, December 2, 2019

Wikipedia Shout-Out


This blog-entry was launched on the second day of December 2019 -- the same day that I chipped in to help keep this wonderful site going strong.

The amount that I donated was the smallest donation option available -- but more details about that below.

Anyway, Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001, and you can CLICK HERE to read more about how it started and what has happened to it over the years as well as being kept up with its progress, both now and in the future.

On January 15, 2022, Wikipedia will be turning twenty-one, so I plan to keep this blog-entry active (i.e. adding new Wikipedia-related thoughts to it) between now and sometime that day.

I wonder how things will be on that day.

By then, it will be almost a year since INAUGURATION DAY 2021.  I wonder who will be POTUS at that time and how our country and THE REST OF THE WORLD will be doing.

Of course, there will be people reading what I've written here who won't be residents of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, so -- when I say (as I did in the last paragraph) "our country" -- I'm writing as the resident of the same.

I'm a senior-age woman who was born on December 12, 1952 -- which means that, at the time of this writing, I'm 10 days away from my 67th birthday -- in ANDERSON, INDIANA one day after my state turned 136 years old/young.  This December 11 will be Indiana's 203rd birthday.  This is where I still live.

Even when I was away at COLLEGE and when I lived in MUNCIE from October 1, 2014 - November 16, 2016, I still kept an Anderson address (the latter one being my post office box and a driver's license that still bore the address of where I'd lived last).

Until I was a little over a year and three months old, I lived in an apartment in the city that isn't far from where I live now.

Then (early spring of 1954) my folks and I moved to our farm that was, at that time, around 2 miles south of the city limits -- becoming closer as the city limits moved further south.

This was where I lived (the last of us on this side of Eternity) until September 9, 2013 when I became homeless for awhile.

I'm hoping to be back to living on a farm again by or before September 9, 2020 -- which will be 7 years since I pulled out of the driveway of the farm where I'd grown up for the last time.

I've been on quite a journey and have learned a lot since then.

If I remember correctly, I believe I first began using Wikipedia in 2007.

In the time to come between now and late on January 15, 2022, I'll be sharing more of my story about my use of this great site and how I've discovered more and more reasons to make it a place I usually visit at least once-a-day whenever I get online.

Even now, there are still things to be discovered re: my use of Wikipedia.

Look below to find out more about the donation I made today.

Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001.  CLICK HERE to find out who was born 72 years before that.

Five days after the launching of Wikipedia, a new POTUS took office.  He is one of the five Presidents (four former and one current) who are still on this side of Eternity as of today (December 2, 2019).  I'm going to list them in order of when they first took office.

Do you know which one took office the same year that Wikipedia was launched without looking?

Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump


Stay tuned for more...