Saturday, July 6, 2019

How Would You Feel If This Were YOUR Child!?!

How would you feel if this were YOUR child -- removed from the comfort of home at a time when he most needs to have his parents and siblings close-by along with the familiarity of it all!?!

He wasn't being mistreated.

The calls sic-ing #ChildProtectiveServices on him and his family were nothing short of spite calls -- but, because those calls were made by so-called medical experts, those calls were taken seriously while anything the family had to say was just blown off.

The boy in question was making it very clear that he wanted to remain in his familiar surroundings with his loved ones -- or, at least, have his "da-da" to go with him when he left.

This frightened and fragile 4 year old boy had his needs blown off, too.

Please watch the video and read the comment thread -- and please keep this going by sharing a link to it whenever and wherever you can!!!