Thursday, December 13, 2018

Cute!!! Just Cuuuuuuuuute!!!

No purpose to this progressive blog-entry other than just to share cute stuff with you.  Will be posting cute stuff here through March 23, 2019, which will be the 66th anniversary of the birth of:

Michael Steven Clem

March 23, 1953 - May 31, 1969
 who was the first person (though not the last) who told me that I overused the word "cute."

I first shared the following cutie on December 13, 2016 -- which was the day after my goddaughter, Michelle, got me hooked up to the Internet here at my current home.

This was the first time for me to have Internet service through cable since the operating system of my computer went south on or around June 25 of 2013, which was not quite three months before I joined the homeless population on September 9 of that same year.

My TV (which comes with a story of its own that I'll share in time) was already hooked up to cable, and I was enjoying watching holiday movies on The Hallmark Channel.  It was great to be getting parts of my life back that had been temporarily-removed.

Of course, there were so many ways that I'd never go home again except in memory, but there were also new parts of my life to celebrate.  But more about this at a later time.  For now, just scroll on down and enjoy this heartmeltingly-adorable picture...


Saturday 12/22/2018...


Stay tuned for more cute stuff...