Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Just Because They're Sooooooooooo Cuuuuuuuuute...

I was (as I generally am when I get Online) on YouTube today when I saw #4 in this series about the things kids do just by being kids that make us feel all warm, fuzzy, and cheerful inside.

Anyway, I want to share the entire series (to this point -- as in Tuesday, October 25, 2016) right on this page to that both anybody else and I can go here when we feel like kidding around, so, here we go...

The funniest BABY & TODDLER & KID videos #1 - Funny and cute compilation - Watch and laugh!

I'm going to share three more videos with you at this time that aren't represented by Tiger FunnyWorks but, instead, by

Baby Popcy

Cute Baby Videos


Finally, CLICK HERE to view something that happens a whole lot, but you don't always have the chance to see it going on.  This wonderful video from safeernilamel lets you watch a much slower process in just a little over six minutes.  A beautiful sight -- and hope for the future!!!

Anyway, I now have a bunch of precious videos all gathered in one place where I can watch one or more of them whenever I have the time -- and you can, too.

This is one of the things I'm looking forward to doing once I have free WiFi right where I live and can tune in 24/7.

But, even though I can't watch a whole bunch of them at one time at this time, they're all assembled so that I can pick some and actually do things such as getting into discussions about them as well as choosing links to share with this or that person on his/her Timeline or in an email.

Today, I'm going to see who on my friends list at Facebook has birthdays today and will make this blog-entry my present to them!

All I need to do now is to go to Glitter-Graphics and choose fitting ones to decorate the top and bottom of this blog-entry!  Of course, by the time you read this, those will be in place as well.

I love doing stuff like this!!!

Oh yes!!!  Here's one more cute kid video for you -- proving that you don't have to have a small amount of chronological years to celebrate the kid in you!!!

As for myself, I'm a little kid inside of a body that has been around for almost 64 years, and I'm loving it!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

At This Time In My Life...

Today is Tuesday, October 11, 2016.

My maternal grandparents (George E. "Greeley" Jobe & Fayra Chambers) were married 105 years ago today.

In just two months and a day more, I'll be 64 years old  -- or should I say 64 years young, as I'm one of those people who hasn't quite grown up.  LOL

Anyway, I've told you about bits and pieces of my life here and there, but I just want to share with you where I'm "at" at this particular time.

For one thing, I'm now living in Muncie, Indiana and have been for a little over two years.  This was (at least, I don't believe so) meant to be something permanent, and I'm now getting several signs that it's time to move back to my hometown of Anderson.

Actually, Anderson wasn't really actually my homeTOWN for most of the time when I was growing up, as I only lived (once outside the womb) for a little over a year in the city of Anderson.

My folks and I lived in Apartment #2 in a large house on the northwest corner of Ohio & Bronnenberg Avenues.  At the time, it was owned by Chuck & Jane Atkinson (who also lived there).  Today, it sits empty.  Will it even be standing a few years from now?

The rest of the time, I grew up on a farm that, at one time, sat across from Ace Airport -- and now is across from Madison Park Church Of God's beautiful campus.

There has been quite a bit about our farm in the news as of late, what its future will be, and where I fit into it all.

As I was growing up, I assumed that this special place on the planet would always be part of my life -- however, on Monday, September 9, 2013, I became included in what is known as "the homeless population."

Thankfully, this no longer describes me, and even this challenge has ended up being used to bless both others and myself.

At one time, I had a working minivan.  Today, it's being stored at the farm of a friend until I can afford to get it repaired, licensed, and insured again.

There have been times when being able to drive would really come in handy.  However, I've gotten a wonderful education through having no choice but to either walk, use mass-transit, or (when available) getting from one point to another with thanks to this or that friend.

I've made some amazing discoveries while walking to and from the downtown library over here in Muncie.  I'll be sharing various ones of those with you very soon.

Anyway, I want to have you to go to something I previously wrote that will introduce you to people who can use whatever you feel led to give to them.

In some cases, what you give might actually be something material.

In other cases, it will be sending prayers, love, & positive thoughts their way as well as keeping their stories going.

Some of the people I'm introducing you to/reminding you of include:

A wonderful lady named Rose who has dedicated her life to helping to empower women and girls in her native Tanzania -- and who is going through some health problems of her own at this time.

An itty-bitty baby named Rilynn Michelle Tracy (with an adorable nickname of Princess Pickle) who, at this time, seems to be making wonderful progress in spite of the fact that she was only a little over a foot long and not quite 1 1/2 lbs. when she was born on September 6 instead of waiting until much closer to Christmas to make her entry into the world.

She's now up to almost 2 1/2 lbs.  Not sure how tiny she is now, but I know that she's grown at least a bit.

Anyway, her great-aunt, Michelle (who, as her godmother, I can remember back to when she was just a baby bump), has been doing a really great job of keeping everybody up on the progress of this little princess.

And, of course, there's my very special friend, Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness, who I met (or should I say RE-met LONG STORY ) three years ago this month.  I've been thinking that the day we re-met in 2013 was October 24.  However, I've since read things that make me think that it might have been even a few days earlier than that.  All I know is that it happened three years ago this month.

Anyway, it's getting close to time to call it a day for now.  I'll probably have 30 more minutes tops on here, but "God Willing & The Creek Don't Rise..." I hope to be writing here again come Thursday, October 13, 2016!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Maybe Not With EVERYTHING, But This Blog-Entry IS Loaded!!!

There's so much that needs to be said on various topics in a limited amount of time.  Even now, I likely won't get all said that I'd like to today -- but, at least, I can get a good start on it.

First of all...Have you heard of Everything Bagels and Loaded Baked Potatoes?

Keep in mind that neither the bagels nor the baked potatoes are loaded with everything -- this only means that they're loaded with a lot.

Same goes with this blog-entry.

I'm not sure if I'll even get it done before Larry arrives at one-ish and *totally* distracts me.

If you're reading this before Larry arrives, that means that I got it all written.

If you read it after he leaves, that means that -- sometime between this beginning and when I write the last word before posting this -- Larry has arrived at the library.

Anyway, it's now almost 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 4, 2016.

I keep thinking that it's a day later, for some reason -- and I'm glad that it isn't...

Anyway, for starters, I want to back up and link to the last seven entries I posted ( between August 2 and October 1) to this blog...

It's Happening In Tanzania...

Sharing A Generous Slice Of Aunt Kate & Uncle Don

This is what a blog looks like, if it's being kept up by somebody (such as myself) with limited time on the Internet -- or, at least, this is what my blog looks like.

Now that you've read them, you'll have a pretty good idea re: how I've spent my limited time online...

It's now 11:34, and Larry has just arrived!!!  Details later...

Okay!  Details about Larry...We had a wonderful visit, and I gave him the various items (mostly, tabs that I both got on my own and got from various other people -- AND the various ones of the other items that he likes to collect to recycle).

He wants me to be sure and thank everybody who has been helping him with collecting tabs for the wonderful work done by Ronald McDonald House of Indiana.

As you can read here, the good that this mission does has hit close to home!

As quite a few of you who are reading this probably know, I have a condition called lymphedema.  Although I had this condition for a few years before (mistaking it for merely edema), I was officially diagnosed with it in late May of 2009 when it became seriously-infected, requiring me to spend several days in the hospital.

My level of having lymphedema isn't quite to the place where my legs look as extreme as those pictured in what I've just shared -- however, it goes without saying that my legs still have an advanced enough form of it that they (get ready to groan...) stand out like sore thumbs.

But I want to tell you about the late evening when I finally went to the hospital.

My mom was at my place, because she was concerned about my being alone.

This was Memorial Day Weekend, and she had been concerned enough that she stayed with me instead of doing what she had planned on doing:  going with Pinky & Bud to decorate the graves of family and friends.

I kept telling her that I would be fine -- that I just needed to get my legs elevated so that the places where the skin had popped open would begin to heal.

However, I was having a lot of trouble lifting my legs up high enough to even get them on the low-level loveseat where I was sitting and watching the latest on a remarkable and talented woman who had just recently received much-deserved acclaim -- a woman with a message to share re: what our priorities should be when it came to our opinions of others/ourselves.

I was glad to have her home with me, even though I hated to think of her missing out on decorating graves -- but, as it turned out, she was getting more and more concerned that there might be at least one more grave to decorate the next time Memorial Day rolled around.

Many months later, I would read the symptoms of somebody about to go into a coma -- and they matched up with many of mine.

Anyway, my mom told me that I really needed to get to the emergency room to get checked over.

I told her that I didn't think that it was that necessary -- and that we might end up owing a lot more than we'd like to be owing, as I had allowed my health insurance payments to lapse, as I was starting to think that I was spending more on making the payments (which seemed to be increasing about every quarter year) than I was needing to be helped by them.

But I finally said that I would go to the ER to be checked over the next day but that I also had things to take care of first (e.g. getting bills paid, writing deadlines, etc.) in case I did end up in the hospital.

That was when she said something very profound to me:

"I have a couple of phone numbers and plan to call one of them tonight.  Which would you prefer:  St. John's Hospital?  or  Robert D. Loose Funeral Home?"

To make a long story short, I was soon to become educated re:  lymphedema and how to manage it.

To top that all off -- thanks to a charity foundation, I ended up owing under $500 (paid as slowly as it took) for my part of my hospital stay (close to two weeks).

Here in our country, there are a lot of measures put into place to make it easier to take care of our health.  We don't have the perfect system -- but it works far better than the one used by Rose Njilo, my special friend from Tanzania.  With her, everything is a struggle.

Right at this time, she's dealing with serious ulcers and vomiting blood.  She's a strong person, but even she has her limits.

This wonderful woman continues in her mission to empower women and girls to give them alternatives to becoming slaves to so-called husbands who aren't deserving of them.

As most of you know, I share news about what she does from time to time.  In fact, the first link I've shared in that group of seven provides information about how she and others are making a wonderful difference in the lives of these marginalized females.

After hearing about these women and girls, I've never taken for granted my own hopes and dreams -- where the relationship between males and females gets associated with things such as wonderful music like this instead of  female genital mutilation (still acceptable and not considered to be illegal abuse over in Tanzania) and domination.

I know that not everybody reading this will be able to donate cash -- either to help Rose's mission or to help her to get the medical attention she's needing now in order to keep on going in her quest to give women and girls in Tanzania a real chance at having empowered and full lives.

However, even when cash is tight, we can still send prayers, love, and positive thoughts -- AND we can get the word out in hopes that other people who are able to donate cash will be touched.

Therefore, with this in mind, I'm going to share a link to Rose's GoFundMe site.  You can earmark the donations so that one part will go to her mission and another part will go to restoring her health again.  If you can't personally do this, please suggest this as a possibility when you share this information.

Time is getting late, but I wanted to thank so many people who have made it easy for me to take care of what's been going on in my life and still not totally neglect what I need to do in order to manage my condition so that I don't end up in the hospital again.

I'll be giving you some shining examples in my next Blogger blog-entry -- hopefully done tomorrow.

For now, I'm going to be posting this so that it can start getting read, as I've covered a lot of important ground.

It's really great to be able to get online several days in a row and for more hours than usual.  I'll take all of the time that I can get.

Maybe, I'll make the title of my next blog-entry:  How I Spent My October 2016 Vacation In Anderson.

Then, weather and other things concerned, I'll probably make another entry next week from the library downtown in Muncie called What I've Been Doing Since I Returned To Muncie.  Of course, I'm hoping to be doing an entry pretty soon called Getting Settled In Anderson But With A Big Piece Of My Heart Still In Muncie.

Hopefully, I'll be casting a vote for Gary Johnson from Anderson come November.  We shall see...

For now, it's time for me to shut my Cyber-piehole!!!  LOL

P.S.  In case you're wondering why it's probably showing that I finished this blog and posted it much earlier than so close to when it's time for me to catch the bus, it's because I posted it just long enough to test some links and, then, put it back into draft form again.

Just a little information to satisfy your curiosity, just in case you happened to notice and got curious.

On this note, I'm going to encourage you once again the keep sharing the link to this blog entry...


Saturday, October 1, 2016

The "Perfect" POTUS

People are always talking about how Barack Obama is our first Black President.  However, that's not really true.  He's not even our first President to have recent Black blood coursing through his veins.  That honor goes to ...  actually, that honor might go to several Presidents, though the one I've heard it said about the most is Calvin Coolidge.

It can truly be said, however, that Barack Obama is the one with the most Black blood in him to date.  However, we haven't actually had our first Black President yet (that is, where both parents are much more Black than White).

The accurate description of our current POTUS would be our first bi-racial President.

On the subject of color, I'd like to go off-topic for a bit to tell you about the time that I helped out with this class of preschoolers, and one of the little boys was Black.

He asked me what color he was, and I told him that he was Black -- to which he said, "No I'm not."

"What color do you think you are?" I asked him -- and he replied:  "I'm Orange!"

To that, I responded, "You know?  I think you're right...you ARE Orange!"

Anyway, let's think about a future POTUS.

As for this election, you can find out my choice (along with some general thoughts on the process of electing a President here in the good ol' US of A), by clicking HERE.

Having said that, let's get back to a future election and some of the things that seem to be important to some people (even though the most important thing should be whether or not this chosen leader is capable of carrying out the duties of his/her office in a way that will inspire us to reach high when it comes to what we value in live).

Anyway, this possible choice for POTUS has the following traits (and/or will if elected to this office):

Highly-intelligent & and very perceptive.

First Black President.

First Woman President (unless, of course, this gets done in the November 2016 elections)

A person who has gone from being someone from the wrong side of the tracks to being one of the wealthiest people in America.

And she's also a rape-survivor and an animal-lover.

This person is multi-talented and knows how to interact with people, whether in a one-on-one situation; before a large crowd; or somewhere in-between.

She seems to be very caring and trustworthy -- and has already made a positive difference in a whole lot of lives.

I'm sure she's not perfect, but she'd still make a very good POTUS in my opinion.

She's (as with us all) only human, and she has her faults.

In some ways, she's like an angel -- though, I'm sure not a perfect angel.  I have no idea whether or not she's talented when it comes to how she plays a harp -- but she's amazing with HARPO (which is actually her first name spelled backwards).

Need I say more!?!