Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A Little, Old Lady & A Young Cab Driver

I'd read this story before, but it had been awhile, and the experience of reading it again was at least as moving if not more so than the first time I read it.

It needs to be shared over and over again, so I've made a special blog-entry featuring it to make it easier to find and share.

I hope you'll pass it along to others.

Remember that even what seems like the smallest act of kindness can make a big difference in somebody's life -- and it makes you feel good as well...

Back in the summer of 1975 was one of those times when just doing the right thing was something that lifted the spirits of someone I'd just met, and our first meeting ended up turning into a friendship that has lasted for over 45 years!!!

The story is called...

Because I Was Craving An Orange...

...and it begins with my looking for somebody who had twenty cents to spare (short-term loan) or change for a twenty-dollar bill so that I could go ahead and buy a HUGE yummy-looking navel orange from a vending machine that only accepted nickels, dimes, quarters, and one-dollar bills.

In the story of the cab driver, he had pulled up to what looked like a no-show where he had several choices of what to do next -- with one of them being to just pull away in a New York Minute and get on with making some much-needed money.

For some reason, he chose not to do that and ended up taking a wonderful, priceless journey into the past with a little old lady with her purse along with one travel bag full of what she needed and nothing more...

Have A Wonderful Wednesday (9/16/2020)!!!


Hello, Everybody!!! 

I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!

As at least some of you know, I love to Tweet on a variety of subjects.

Right below is a Tweet I created about today.

I hope you'll both explore it and Re-Tweet it.

I feel so positive about this day in so many ways that I've even made a special blog-entry about it in one of my blogs at that I'll be adding to throughout the day.

This is a blog that I hadn't added anything new to for quite a while, so this is as good of a day as any to add something new.

Hopefully, I won't be going as long between entries. 

One thing I've been doing during this New Normal is to do some catching-up and getting my life better organized.

Here is one example of something I'm working on that will make it easier for people to keep up with me as well as making it easier for me to keep up with myself.

On this note, I'm going to finish writing this blog-entry and get it posted for you to read.

Even though it's written about this specific day in this specific month in this specific year, it will (in MY opinion, anyway) still be worth reading and sharing if you happen to be reading it for the first time (or returning to it after reading it earlier) on Monday, January 19, 2026.

Thanks, again, for reading this far -- and, hopefully, scrolling on down so that you won't miss the line of adorable teddy bears right below this and the delightful, little song you can listen to by clicking on the beautiful picture below that.

The Right To Sit At Desks

Please share this and make it go viral.

Happy Seventh Birthday To Daisy The Malti-Pom!!!


Monday, September 7, 2020

Affirmations For September 2020

Taken From Daily Word 

September 2020

Inner Peace
My mind quiets in the presence of divine peace.

In the silence of prayer, I hear a whisper of truth.

God is the breath of life, the vitality in my body and being.

I am rich in divine ideas, wealthy in divine abundance.

The road ahead may be unseen, but I walk by faith and not by sight.