Sunday, December 15, 2019

Larry "The CanMan" VanNess 3/18/15

It was the day after St. Patrick's Day in 2015, and I was still living in Muncie and had come over to spend a few days in Anderson.

Larry was still living in North Anderson across North Broadway from Shadyside Park at the time.

This is what I wrote back then in ... my ... Facebook ... photo album reserved for pictures I took of Larry to go along with these priceless pictures:


The day after St. Patrick's Day 2015, I rode the North Anderson CATS bus (and the amazing guy at the end is cool bus driver Earl Boyd who's 
a laugh a minute) out to see Larry where I gave him a bag full of various ones of his favorite things -- including, of course, cans and tabs. I took several pictures of him waving to those driving by along North Broadway (waving and waiting to wave). Isn't he just as cute as a button!?!

Actually, he's even cuter than a button! Just imagine (if you haven't actually seen this for yourself already) that face of his lighting up like a little kid at Christmas when he gets tabs for Ronald McDonald House of Indiana and when people wave and/or beep at him as they go by! Heartmelting! Okay, Everybody!!! On the count of three... 1...2...3...Awlllllllllllllllllllll.......


This is the sequence of pictures I took with these being him waiting for people to drive by...

All too soon, my bus arrives...

...and it's time to go back to the terminal and -- sometime after that -- back to Muncie.

These are two pics of Earl and Larry talking while he puts the lift down for me...

As Earl and I (along with everybody else on the bus) head back to the terminal, I take a picture out the window of the bus showing Larry on his way to take his bag of goodies to his apartment...

And here is Earl getting ready to get me to ground-level back at the terminal...

I hope you enjoyed this story and will tell your friends about Larry.