This Entry Is Currently Under Construction So Pardon My Dust...
Go HERE to find out more about Larry's special mission.
Below find what his buddy, Rachel, shared on Facebook yesterday (referring to Thursday, February 28, 2020 for those who might read this at a later time).
Due to the weather, I wasn't able to attend his open house birthday party this year (the first time since 2017 when he began having these parties on his 70th birthday -- something begun by Rachel and some others he has referred to as his special angels).
Each of these parties has been held on a Saturday that has been the closest to his birthday (February 17).
2017 -- February 18
2018 -- February 17
2019 -- February 16
This year, a lot of things were different.
Rachel would be out-of-town on a road-trip on the Saturday closest to his birthday and for over a week after that, and Larry was (as he still is, as of 2/29/2020) dealing with a combo of recuperating from a bad fall he took and the aftermath of the flooding (due to a burst pipe during single-digit temperatures) of the apartment he moved into the last part of May 2019.
It just so happens that 2020 is a Leap Year and that the last day of February is happening on the last Saturday of the month, so -- other than the slick weather that has caused me to stay in and miss the party -- it's an absolutely perfect time to celebrate this event.
The message you see below is what I wrote to go with the above PSA when I shared it on my Timeline. For some reason, it wouldn't post together with the PSA, so I've made a separate copy of it to embed here..
Stay tuned for one more addition to this entry -- which will be an update on how the party went. I'm sure that it will be a very wonderful party and Larry will be talking about it in his usual bubbly way.
By the time this posts, one of my own angels (an 86 years young guy named Don) will, likely, have arrived at this party as he dropped by here just a little bit ago and I told him what was happening. He was wanting to pick up a tasty meal to bring home and enjoy with his wife, Carol, so he now knows that he can see Larry, get some food, and add some birthday cake to the experience -- a very sweet deal (no pun originally intended).
While Don was at my place, he shared some news about another awesome guy named Mike (someone whom I first met in 1980) and, also, described someone else he saw out-and-about whom I suspect was someone named Nick -- another one of my heroes. I hope to share more about all of them in future entries.
Anyway, I suggested to Don that he really needs to get on Facebook since he also enjoys shouting out deserving people.
Going to sign off for now and will update this again before the weekend is over...
Go HERE to find out more about Larry's special mission.
Below find what his buddy, Rachel, shared on Facebook yesterday (referring to Thursday, February 28, 2020 for those who might read this at a later time).
Due to the weather, I wasn't able to attend his open house birthday party this year (the first time since 2017 when he began having these parties on his 70th birthday -- something begun by Rachel and some others he has referred to as his special angels).
Each of these parties has been held on a Saturday that has been the closest to his birthday (February 17).
2017 -- February 18
2018 -- February 17
2019 -- February 16
This year, a lot of things were different.
Rachel would be out-of-town on a road-trip on the Saturday closest to his birthday and for over a week after that, and Larry was (as he still is, as of 2/29/2020) dealing with a combo of recuperating from a bad fall he took and the aftermath of the flooding (due to a burst pipe during single-digit temperatures) of the apartment he moved into the last part of May 2019.
It just so happens that 2020 is a Leap Year and that the last day of February is happening on the last Saturday of the month, so -- other than the slick weather that has caused me to stay in and miss the party -- it's an absolutely perfect time to celebrate this event.
The message you see below is what I wrote to go with the above PSA when I shared it on my Timeline. For some reason, it wouldn't post together with the PSA, so I've made a separate copy of it to embed here..
Stay tuned for one more addition to this entry -- which will be an update on how the party went. I'm sure that it will be a very wonderful party and Larry will be talking about it in his usual bubbly way.
By the time this posts, one of my own angels (an 86 years young guy named Don) will, likely, have arrived at this party as he dropped by here just a little bit ago and I told him what was happening. He was wanting to pick up a tasty meal to bring home and enjoy with his wife, Carol, so he now knows that he can see Larry, get some food, and add some birthday cake to the experience -- a very sweet deal (no pun originally intended).
While Don was at my place, he shared some news about another awesome guy named Mike (someone whom I first met in 1980) and, also, described someone else he saw out-and-about whom I suspect was someone named Nick -- another one of my heroes. I hope to share more about all of them in future entries.
Anyway, I suggested to Don that he really needs to get on Facebook since he also enjoys shouting out deserving people.
Going to sign off for now and will update this again before the weekend is over...