Friday, February 28, 2020

A Sweet Message From An Angel Named Rachel

This Entry Is Currently Under Construction So Pardon My Dust...

Go HERE to find out more about Larry's special mission.

Below find what his buddy, Rachel, shared on Facebook yesterday (referring to Thursday, February 28, 2020 for those who might read this at a later time).

Due to the weather, I wasn't able to attend his open house birthday party this year (the first time since 2017 when he began having these parties on his 70th birthday -- something begun by Rachel and some others he has referred to as his special angels).

Each of these parties has been held on a Saturday that has been the closest to his birthday (February 17).

2017 -- February 18
2018 -- February 17
2019 -- February 16

This year, a lot of things were different.

Rachel would be out-of-town on a road-trip on the Saturday closest to his birthday and for over a week after that, and Larry was (as he still is, as of 2/29/2020) dealing with a combo of recuperating from a bad fall he took and the aftermath of the flooding (due to a burst pipe during single-digit temperatures) of the apartment he moved into the last part of May 2019.

It just so happens that 2020 is a Leap Year and that the last day of February is happening on the last Saturday of the month, so -- other than the slick weather that has caused me to stay in and miss the party -- it's an absolutely perfect time to celebrate this event.

The message you see below is what I wrote to go with the above PSA when I shared it on my Timeline.  For some reason, it wouldn't post together with the PSA, so I've made a separate copy of it to embed here..

Stay tuned for one more addition to this entry -- which will be an update on how the party went.  I'm sure that it will be a very wonderful party and Larry will be talking about it in his usual bubbly way.

By the time this posts, one of my own angels (an 86 years young guy named Don) will, likely, have arrived at this party as he dropped by here just a little bit ago and I told him what was happening.  He was wanting to pick up a tasty meal to bring home and enjoy with his wife, Carol, so he now knows that he can see Larry, get some food, and add some birthday cake to the experience -- a very sweet deal (no pun originally intended).

While Don was at my place, he shared some news about another awesome guy named Mike (someone whom I first met in 1980) and, also, described someone else he saw out-and-about whom I suspect was someone named Nick -- another one of my heroes.  I hope to share more about all of them in future entries.

Anyway, I suggested to Don that he really needs to get on Facebook since he also enjoys shouting out deserving people.

Going to sign off for now and will update this again before the weekend is over...


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Baby Bear Has Been -- And Still Is -- Hibernating...

Today is Tuesday at  a little after 11 AM, and I've been hibernating due to the combination of the weather being more favorable to staying in and simply wanting to stay in and have mostly uninterrupted time to catch up with several things.  I think I'm making headway.

This blog-entry will be finished on the day when I venture outside and catch a bus somewhere. (Spoiler: That will be sometime this week the way I see things now...).

Anyway, I'm going to finish this blog-entry late in the day of the first day I go out.

It's now a little after 11:30 AM here in Anderson, Indiana ...


Monday, February 17, 2020

It's Monday, February 17, 2020 All Day Today!!!

Keep scrolling down
unfolding story
how I spent
February 17, 2020
such an extra-special
very first

I'm going to be adding a lot to this page all day long today, because it's a very special celebration day, so stay tuned and see what gets added...

For starters, you can click on the [f] in the upper-right-hand corner of what you'll be seeing next to find out more details about why this day is so special.  Of course, I'll be saying more about that here in this blog-entry which I plan to add to until some point between when February 17, 2020 becomes history here in my hometown of Anderson, Indiana and when it's no longer February 17, 2020 anywhere on the entire planet.

At this time, it's a little past 5:30 PM, and I'm going to sign off here to get some other things done, but rest assured that -- in the words of General Douglas MacArthur -- "I shall return!!!"


Well!  I ended up falling asleep, so I'm finishing this blog-entry mid-morning of February 18.

Larry called me around 10:30 PM to tell me about his day.

He went to his physical therapy in the morning and came home after that.

During the day, a few people dropped by to bring him cards, presents, cans, and tabs, and he heard of a few others by phone.

Then, it was time for him to be picked up for his birthday dinner at Cracker Barrel.  Jaona, her husband, mom, and sister took him there where he had a great time and did get sung to for his birthday as well.  He saw at least a few more people he knew -- and even had this couple he didn't know who were there and heard him getting sung to stop and wish him a happy birthday as they passed by his table on the way out.

He also received at least one phone call and missed another one that came in without his noticing it due to being on with the first caller.  When he noticed the missed call, it was late, so he will return that call sometime today.

Jaona and her crew took him shopping for some of his favorite crunchy snack items and gave him some of their leftovers from the meal.  They said that they hope to take him out again in the near future, which made Larry very happy.

He said that he couldn't believe how quickly his birthday was going by -- and I reminded him that the celebration wasn't over with yet, as the occasion was getting stretched out for the rest of the month due to his open house taking place on the last day of the month this year!

I believe that 2020 will be a very good year for Larry -- and for me as well -- and I hope that it turns out to be an awesome one for you as well.  This is a beginning of a whole new decade!  Isn't that exciting!?!

This blog-entry is now finished.  Be sure to scroll down and take a look at the rest of the graphics if you haven't already (or even if you have).

Also, I hope you'll return to see what's happening RIGHT HERE where I've been working to make it a more interesting place to drop by.  Scroll from top to bottom to enjoy the additions and renovations.

You can keep up with the time ahead by visiting the blog I'm treating as a diary/journal that I plan to keep up on a more regular basis.  This is the ENTRY I'm working on at the time that I'm finishing this blog-entry you're now reading.
Currently, I'm in the process of playing a lot of catch-up in my life, and it has been a learning experience.  I hope you'll come along for the adventure...

It's now Tuesday, February 18, at a little after11:30 AM Anderson, Indiana time.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

What Does It Take To Be A Hero?

This is a blog-entry I'm writing about heroes.  I'm going to keep adding to it until June 26, 2021 -- which is the 70th anniversary of the birth of the awesome woman I'm giving a shout-out at the beginning of this entry.

Rest assured that this is just an introduction to her and that I'll be mentioning a whole lot more about her over time, as she's someone who lived a wonderful dash during her time here for just under 34 years.

Snowy February Days

Daddy & Me In Early 1955
This will be added to through the end of February 2022 


This section is under construction.

This section is under construction...

(Stay Tuned For More)



A Diary From 1952 -- The (Leap) Year When I Was Born



Coming Soon



(Stay Tuned For More...)

Monday, February 3, 2020

"Teach Your Children Well..."

This train-of-thought will continue 


Good Stuff 2020

Today is Monday, February 3, 2020, and I'm creating a positive blog-entry that I'll be filling all year long with good stuff to check out.  Let's start out with a blog-entry I've made called "Teach Your Children Well..." and another one called Follow That Jeep!!!

She's a photographer, craftswoman, visual artist, musician, writer, gardener, historian, genealogist, entrepreneur, social activist, home renovator, and so much more  -- including being a daughter / goddaughter, sister, aunt, great-aunt, wife, mother (of both humans and non-humans), grandma, and friend.


Why my goddaughter, Michelle, who will be turning 42 on the eleventh day of this month -- Who else!?!

I hope you'll go here to check out her photography...



(to be continued)

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Follow That Jeep!!!

This is a blog-entry for following the February 2020 road trip that this one-of-a-kind woman and her husband are taking together.

They will be gone for about half of the month.

I wonder what kind of weather they'll be having during that time and what kind of weather we'll be having here.

According to Punxsutawney Phil, the rest of winter leading up to spring is supposed to be mild over all here in 2020.  We shall see...

While I have your attention, I'd like to share a link to Phil's hometown information.

I really like his name, btw.  It's fitting as my first cousin who was also named Phil was born two days before Groundhog Day 1945.  He passed away on December 31, 2018 and would have turned 75 on January 31, 2020.

By the way, I want to mention that, while I began this blog-entry on Groundhog Day, they actually started their trip the day before -- which was the 118th anniversary of the birth of another very special and unforgettable person.   On the day Rachel and Jerry left, I launched this tribute sheet (the one where the hyperlink takes you to) in his memory and honor.

I had meant to add even more to it and open it to the public on the same day, but I got sidetracked while looking for some important information for it.

Anyway, I'm going to add to it until the end of 2022 -- which will be 55 years since the last of 1967, which was a milestone year for both of us.

For now -- without further ado -- here's the first part of the story (which took place on February 1, 2020) that I'm now sharing at my TwitterTurf via this Tweet ....

Well, Groundhog Day of 02/02/2020 is drawing to a close here in Anderson, Indiana, and I'm now going to add the next installment to this adventure.  Rachel took lots of pictures and posted them with this account of  this February excursion...

Actually, I think that the Jeep in the picture going with the following update is a different one, but I just love this photo and thought that it would make an ideal illustration to go with this report...

As you will find out, our weather back here in Anderson is a whole lot different than Rachel and Jerry are experiencing on their road-trip.

Today is Tuesday, February 4, but the account you'll be reading is about Monday February 3.  Both of those days have some interesting things about them that I'll be sharing when I'm back online again later today...
Just a note to let you know that I'll be posting tons of new additions here over the next 24 hours but have a couple of writing deadlines (before midnight tonight) and some dirty dishes to take care of first.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 has been a very good day for me!!!


Stay tuned for more!!!

Where In The World Is Rachel Lee? 2/2/2020

Here are some of the online locations where you can find Rachel (as reported on this day that's exciting for so many reasons).  I assume that you will, likely, be finding her at the same locations for a very long time and might have even more locations added.

However, these are the ones that I currently know about and have access to...

where she has three of her own personal presences:

Rachel Tranbarger Landers (her regular social media page),  Rachel Lee Photography (her photography page),  & Travel With Rachel Lee (her travel agent page) along with managing the social media page for Larry Van Ness (written as Larry VanNess on Facebook) while another neat person named Raina (Larry calls both of them his angels) manages his  V.I.P. Page.

Rachel Landers / @Raleela3 at Twitter (Not a lot of Tweets at this time, but still interesting), and

She also has a whole lot of awesome pictures (using the handle of raleela) at Instagram which is one of my favorite sites to go to when I want to see the world without even leaving my comfy bed in my cozy apartment  You'd be surprised how even a single picture can end up taking me on a journey that keeps unfolding  -- but more about that later...

For now, it's time to post this...

Continued a little later today...


It's 02/02/2020 Let's Talk About All Things Palindrome For A Whole Year!

Today is Sunday, February 2, 2020 (02/02/2020)

As you will be able to see by reading this article , today isn't just ANY Palindrone Day but one that's such a rarity that I'm going to be adding to this blog-entry for an entire year ("God Willing & The Creek Don't Rise...") to share things I come across and/or write myself about this interesting subject.

This blog-entry should be fatter than a Groundhog by the time that Groundhog Day 2021 arrives...

Saturday, February 1, 2020