Thursday, December 31, 2020

Adolf H. Complicated Man

 Today is the last day of the year 2020 (Thursday, December 31, 2020).

This has been a year that has turned out to be one that we couldn't have imagined experiencing before it happened.

On a down note, we have experienced in the USA alone well over 300,000 deaths caused by COVID-19, while, on an upnote, we have gotten slowed down enough to take a look at ourselves giving us the opportunity to make changes that will make us better -- even so, what we decide to do next is up to us.

We have been changed so that there is no going back to our old "normal."

What next!?!

Anyway, please open up and look at the story below where you will find a treasure trove about the notorious Nazi, Adolf Hitler.

We've all heard of him, but do we know very much about him?

This embedded status report might not leave you knowing everything, but it will still leave you knowing more...

#Hitler's #FirstName was #Adolf and not #Adolph (the #Latter which is #Currently #Trending over at #Twitter). Here's an...

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Thursday, December 31, 2020

Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Tribute To Richard G. Kolczynski...February 7, 1947 - February 9, 2017

 Here is a link to the song that was originally posted with this tribute but the original video is now no longer available due to the account being closed...

The following link will take you to where you can find his obituary and guestbook all in one place.  There is one misspelling of his middle name, so I want to give you the correct spelling:  Gerald

Just in case what I wrote doesn't show up, I'm sharing it all again here including what I wrote to go with this game...

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Sunday, December 27, 2020

Please share this with others as Richard deserves to be remembered and for more people to know about him.

I'll be adding more to this in time...

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Here's A Shout-Out For The Law Firm Of Jones, McGlasson, & Arter, P.C. Who Took Wonderful Care Of Uncle Kermit's Affairs

 I can't say enough wonderful things about Uncle Kermit.

Even though -- due to circumstances beyond our control -- we hadn't seen each other for several years, we still kept in touch by mail.  He could write some of the most interesting letters.

Anyway, I've shared quite a few memories of him over the years.

I always called him Uncle Kermit or UK for short -- and called him Kermie-Wormie sometimes, too.

His full name was Evan Kermit Jobe during his almost 93 years spent here after popping out of Grandma's birth canal on December 9, 1926.

For starters, I want to give you a thumbnail sketch of Uncle Kermit so that people who might remember him can find out more about him.  This sketch will be mostly about his education and teaching positions so that people who would be interested in those (e.g. students, co-workers) might be able to find him.

But Uncle Kermit is far more than his teaching.  I can / have / and will -- write volumes about him just because he lived such an awesome, fun, and caring life.

He wanted to leave the world a better place than he found it.

His field of study was Philosophy Of Science,

Some people called him Evan.  Others called him Kermit.  His co-workers during the time when he was working at Kessler AFB usually called him Jobe.

I know of at least one person named Marguerite who usually called him Cupcake when she wrote him letters.

Professionally, he was Dr. Jobe after earning his PhD at the age of 46 (a latecomer due to working on his degree as he had the time to do so between everything else that he was doing), but he was one who would rather have his students call him Evan than the more formal Dr. Jobe.

After he received his PhD, he taught at temporary positions (and got invited to stay on after each one, but he was looking for something in a climate where he could get out every day of the year).

From 1973-1974, he was at Iowa State University in Ames.

From 1974-1975 he was at University Of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

He decided to take some time off after that and lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for a year.  He sent out applications in hopes of finding a good fit for him when it came to a place to get tenured.

He spent time walking around the area and enjoyed visiting with Mike The Tiger (a real tiger who was the school's mascot) who lived on the Louisiana State University campus.

He ended up finding the perfect fit:  Texas Tech University in Lubbock.

This was where he stayed until time for him to retire -- at which time he moved to Bloomington, Indiana, a place he referred to as "The Center Of The Universe."

He had gotten his Bachelor's Degree and his PhD at Indiana University and his Master's at the University Of Florida in Gainesville.

After that, he taught for a year at the University of Tampa.

Finally, he taught at the University of Kentucky in Lexington beginning in 1966 and spent summers back in Indiana working on his PhD.  In 1969, he moved back to Indiana to begin working on his PhD full time.

Here is another part of my precious uncle.

Below, find the shout-out to the law firm and more about Uncle Kermit...

Below, find what I wrote a year ago -- and I haven't changed my mind... "This is part one of the shout-out I'm giving...

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Stevie At Christmas Is So Precious!!! He's A Christmas Angel For Sure!!!


Stevie is a Christmas Angel who will melt your heart!!! ❤

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Old World Christmas Medley (Instrumental, Electric Guitar) Performed By Brent Bennett. Enjoy!!!


I absolutely L❤VE this!!! Pass it on to others so they can enjoy it, too!!!

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Sunday, December 20, 2020

If Today (December 20) Is Your Birthday, You Share It With My Awesome Cousin, Mike!!!


Happy Birthday to Hugh Patton Joe Frazz & Ruth Anna Helm !!! You're born on a great day -- the same day (though not...

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Sunday, December 20, 2020

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Leadership (My Thoughts Expressed Here On Wednesday, December 16, 2020)


Mark R Myers -- I voted for Reagan twice and don't regret it. He had some faults, and we definitely didn't see...

Posted by Ainsley Jo Phillips on Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Saturday, November 21, 2020 At 9:10 PM!!! WooHoo!!!

 Just found a post from Larry's buddy, Rachel, saying that he had counted his 23,000,000th tab last night!!!

Now, it's on to counting towards his 24,000,000th tab!!!

Will he be taking a break to rest his hands?

If he does, I doubt if it will be a really long break.

Click Here  to find out what else has happened on November 21 over the years.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Mary Travers & Virginia "Jenny" Dyson -- Two Beautiful Birthday Twins. Fly High!!!

Today is Monday, November 9, 2020 -- meaning that it's the 84th Anniversary of the birth of two very special ladies who made this world a better place during the time that they spent here.

Both have passed on, but they won't be forgotten.

Mary Travers

is the one who is known by the most people, as she was part of the folk trio
Peter, Paul, & Mary,_Paul_and_Mary

who began playing together in 1961.

This song from 1963 also speaks to us here in 2020...

Are we listening!?!

Virginia "Jenny" Dyson is the sweet-looking older lady dressed in reddish-orange with a blue bag on her lap in the photo you'll be coming to when you scroll down a bit more.

This picture was taken on February 18, 2017 at a birthday party for our local CanMan, Larry (on right-hand side of picture), celebrating his turning 70 the day before.

You can find out more about him (and me, as well) by clicking on the link below:

Meet Anderson, Indiana Residents Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness & Ainsley Jo "PenLady" Phillips

The lady who took this picture using her phone is the one with all of that beautiful curly, red hair and a smiling face complete with a prominent chin-dimple in the left-hand foreground.

Her name is Rachel, and she's been -- and still is -- a very big help to Larry in a lot of ways along with being one of his best buddies.

She is -- along with being talented in several other ways -- an excellent photographer who loves to travel and take pictures.

You can find more samples of her photography by going here:

The way I met Jenny was when I returned to Anderson in November of 2016 after living in Muncie since October of 2014.

She was my down-the-hall neighbor and a very friendly lady who wanted to make sure that I got properly introduced around. 

Although she still got around in her apartment with the help of a walker, she rode on a scooter when she was beyond her front door, and she had all sorts of bags loaded here and there on that scooter so that she had everything she might need and then some.

She had been wanting to get a dog to shower her love on for a very long time and finally was given a long-haired dachshund named Bambi who was just perfect for her and vice-versa.

After that, those two were practically inseparable.

You can read more about them by clicking on the link below and, after reading her obituary, going to the tribute section and reading what I wrote there that also includes how she got to know Larry.

On May 8, 2018, I was heading out to vote in the county and state elections if I were able to find somebody who would be able to drive me to the Adams Township voting location where I was still showing up as being registered.

I hadn't seen Jenny for at least a couple of days because she had taken a fall (landing on her back) and was at home recuperating.

Just as I was about to head out, I was approached by another neighbor (one I've nicknamed Comfort Food Mary because -- as she has a working vehicle -- she has a special mission of driving to food giveaway sites and bringing back enough food to both take care of her own needs and share with her neighbors) who told me that Jenny had passed away sometime during the night.

Bambi was found by the paramedics (brought there by a phone call from Jenny who realized that she needed help) snuggled up to Jenny and waiting for them to arrive.  By then, Jenny had already passed away.

It was a bittersweet day for me, as I was celebrating my first time to vote since returning to Madison County and saying goodbye to a very special friend.

Larry and I were both able to go to Jenny's visitation and service that was held on the following Monday (May 14), and he was able to ride with the minister to the cemetery (which I couldn't due to not being able to get up into his pick-up truck), and I was able to go to the condolence dinner.

One of the songs (selected by Jenny when she was planning her service) that was playing while we filed past Jenny's casket for one last look at her was this one:

When I hear it these days, it takes me back to that day.

For quite some time, there was a feeling of sadness when I would return home after running an errand and look at the outdoor sitting area that was now missing one lady on a scooter and her little dog (Bambi went to live in Kentucky).

But life went on, and it became easier to look at that area -- which is how Jenny wanted it to be.

Her family gave me some of her belongings that she wanted me to have, and they're decorating my apartment now.

What I've written here is just the beginning of what I want to say about Jenny.  Rest assured that I'll be writing more in the time to come...

Friday, October 23, 2020

Presenting Tim Lambert An Historian's Historian

I met this amazing guy while looking up another Tim Lambert (someone who was a couple of grades ahead of me in high school) at Facebook.

Although he wasn't the Tim Lambert whom I was originally in search of, I decided that he was a keeper, so I sent him a friend request, and he accepted.

Anyway -- as most people know -- I love to do shout-outs and decided that it was the ideal time to create one for Tim.

As he recently had a birthday (on October 20), I told him that this would be a birthday present from me.

I had actually planned on finishing this shout-out sooner but life got in the way.

Anyway, today is Friday, October 23, 2020, and I created the Tweet below a little earlier today and am now making it part of this blog-entry.

Here are a couple of links I created using the Google advanced search.

With both searches, I entered Tim Lambert in the line for this exact word or phrase, but, in the first one, I entered historian in the space for all these words.

Click Me!!!

In this one, I left the all these words space blank.

Now Click Me!!!

Thanks for reading this, and, hopefully, sharing it with others...

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Meet Anderson, Indiana Residents Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness & Ainsley Jo "PenLady" Phillips

Today (meaning the day that I'm writing this blog-entry) is Saturday, October 17, 2020. 

A week from today will make seven years since Larry and I became friends -- even though I actually met him on at least two occasions even before then.

Right around this time in 1966, I met his name when it was being written over and over by my best friend who thought she'd met her Mr. Right.

As I would find out later, Larry didn't have any idea that she felt that way about him at the time.

This is a story that I've written about in the past and plan on including it in my memoirs in the near future.

In 2003, I met him when he checked on me to see if I were okay when he noticed me while I was napping in my minivan, and he wanted to make sure that I was okay.  I learned that he liked getting out and collecting cans, but I didn't know why.

The third time was when I thought he needed a ride on a chilly, rainy day, and I had plenty of time, so I offered him a ride -- only to find out that he didn't need one.

Anyway, the whole story of those three main meetings will be in my memoirs before long.

As you've probably figured out by now, I'm -- in simple terms -- a writer.

People ask me what I write, and I believe that th
is pretty much says it all in a thumbnail sketch kind of way.

Another thing you might also wonder is whether or not I started calling myself PenLady to match Larry's CanMan.

The answer is no.

This was part of a handle I chose for myself when I first started using the Internet back in 1998.

Anyway -- long story short -- I just wanted to make a blog-entry showing our pictures and sharing a couple of links where you can find out more about each of us.

Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness

Ainsley Jo "The PenLady" Phillips

I hope you like what you see and will share it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Michael Steven Clem 3/23/1953 - 5/31/1969

Because I often talk about this special friend who was taken too soon on the last day of May in 1969 when both of us were 16, I wanted to share a photo of him along with his obituary... well as sharing his Find-A-Grave link:

I would like to say a special thanks to Tami Hill Bowen for her help in getting a JPG of Mike's obituary for me as well as helping me out with other projects as well.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Meet Lilli Ahmadpour A Coffee-Drinking Goodwill Ambassador & Writer!!!


Just wanted to give a special shout-out to a very unique lady who is using her writing talents to leave the world a better place than what she found it.

This story she shared is just one of the wonderful things that she has recently shared on her Facebook Timeline, and her portfolio at is truly a great place to visit.

To read more about her, click on the (f)

Please share this blog-entry to help make Lilli go viral.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Ultimate Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness Shout-Out (Or Close Enough)

If this isn't the ultimate
Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness Shout-Out,
it comes pretty close!!!

That you see below you is where I've presented this shout-out as a Note over at Facebook.

Scroll down a bit to find the hyperlink that will take you straight there.

What you will find first when you get there will be an introduction followed by some trivia that will give you a flavor (pun intended) of places associated with this special mission.

After that, you will find all kinds of ways to keep track of Larry and -- at the very bottom -- even a link that will help you keep track of me.

Without further ado...

Here's that hyperlink:

Do U Need A Little Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness In Your Life?

Thanks, in advance for checking it out and (hopefully) becoming a fan of this heartmelting kid-at-heart who is on a very special mission.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A Little, Old Lady & A Young Cab Driver

I'd read this story before, but it had been awhile, and the experience of reading it again was at least as moving if not more so than the first time I read it.

It needs to be shared over and over again, so I've made a special blog-entry featuring it to make it easier to find and share.

I hope you'll pass it along to others.

Remember that even what seems like the smallest act of kindness can make a big difference in somebody's life -- and it makes you feel good as well...

Back in the summer of 1975 was one of those times when just doing the right thing was something that lifted the spirits of someone I'd just met, and our first meeting ended up turning into a friendship that has lasted for over 45 years!!!

The story is called...

Because I Was Craving An Orange...

...and it begins with my looking for somebody who had twenty cents to spare (short-term loan) or change for a twenty-dollar bill so that I could go ahead and buy a HUGE yummy-looking navel orange from a vending machine that only accepted nickels, dimes, quarters, and one-dollar bills.

In the story of the cab driver, he had pulled up to what looked like a no-show where he had several choices of what to do next -- with one of them being to just pull away in a New York Minute and get on with making some much-needed money.

For some reason, he chose not to do that and ended up taking a wonderful, priceless journey into the past with a little old lady with her purse along with one travel bag full of what she needed and nothing more...

Have A Wonderful Wednesday (9/16/2020)!!!


Hello, Everybody!!! 

I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!

As at least some of you know, I love to Tweet on a variety of subjects.

Right below is a Tweet I created about today.

I hope you'll both explore it and Re-Tweet it.

I feel so positive about this day in so many ways that I've even made a special blog-entry about it in one of my blogs at that I'll be adding to throughout the day.

This is a blog that I hadn't added anything new to for quite a while, so this is as good of a day as any to add something new.

Hopefully, I won't be going as long between entries. 

One thing I've been doing during this New Normal is to do some catching-up and getting my life better organized.

Here is one example of something I'm working on that will make it easier for people to keep up with me as well as making it easier for me to keep up with myself.

On this note, I'm going to finish writing this blog-entry and get it posted for you to read.

Even though it's written about this specific day in this specific month in this specific year, it will (in MY opinion, anyway) still be worth reading and sharing if you happen to be reading it for the first time (or returning to it after reading it earlier) on Monday, January 19, 2026.

Thanks, again, for reading this far -- and, hopefully, scrolling on down so that you won't miss the line of adorable teddy bears right below this and the delightful, little song you can listen to by clicking on the beautiful picture below that.

The Right To Sit At Desks

Please share this and make it go viral.

Happy Seventh Birthday To Daisy The Malti-Pom!!!


Monday, September 7, 2020

Affirmations For September 2020

Taken From Daily Word 

September 2020

Inner Peace
My mind quiets in the presence of divine peace.

In the silence of prayer, I hear a whisper of truth.

God is the breath of life, the vitality in my body and being.

I am rich in divine ideas, wealthy in divine abundance.

The road ahead may be unseen, but I walk by faith and not by sight.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Today -- August 5, 2020 -- Is The 90th Anniversary Of Neil Armstrong's Birth!!!

It's almost noon, Anderson, Indiana time when I'm creating this blog-entry to feature the Facebook status below:.

Before the day is over, the story I've created a place for HERE will have been written.

Will be going out a little later to run some errands.

Have a very busy day ahead...

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Loaded Facebook Status Report I Created On June 1, 2020 (Over Two Months Ago)

I created this status report on my Facebook Timeline on June 1, 2020 and have just now gotten around to sharing it as part of this blog-entry on August 4, 2020.  It begins by talking about this guy I was sweet on back in 1977 but ends up being a birthday shout-out and a whole lot more.

Anyway, I've got a lot going on and will be sharing more about it below this embedded item.

I've been very busy here and there in Cyberspace, so this was actually the last blog-entry I made here before this one.

Even though this time of sheltering-in-place -- at first, with no leaving my apartment (which has no doors to the outside and one door leading to an interior hallway) and, now, just occasionally -- when it seemed as if I would have extra time to catch up, I still haven't caught up with everything I wanted to catch up with (although I've made some pretty good dents in it), thanks to time still marching on with new things to do.

One thing I've done is to begin this Sheet in a folder called Sheets Happen that will (unless I pass on before the end date or else lose access to the Internet) -- after being launched on May 15, 2020 -- come to its conclusion on May 17, 2030.

Anyway, I have a whole lot of catching up to do at different places.  Expect to see an increase in blog-entries right here in this Baby Bear blog as I begin to catch up on things.

I'm going to sign off and post this -- and will, likely, create at least one other entry here tomorrow along with other entries other places even before today is over.

This is how I roll...

Friday, July 10, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020!!! -- Mark The Date & Take It From There!!!

Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness
Shown on the left in his early teens &
on the right in picture taken in mid-December of 2016 at a

For anyone who might be interested (this would make a great feature story if you were part of the media and looking for an upbeat story to write about/broadcast), Larry and Rachel will be arriving at Ronald McDonald House (Indianapolis location) sometime during the day on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 to drop off some tabs and pick up his plaque for counting his 22,000,000th tab back in May.

For more details, you can contact The Ronald McDonald House and Rachel.

This usually takes place on Monument Circle during special festivities, but -- due to the  COVID-19 Pandemic-related "New Normal" -- this won't be taking place this year.

Larry usually knows how he'll be spending this time of year, but he realizes that some things might be changing.  You can find out more about where you might find Larry and when by keeping an eye on his Facebook presence.

Although he isn't computer literate, you can send messages to his two representations at Facebook, and they'll be passed along to him a.s.a.p.

To find out more about Larry and his mission, please visit CanMan 101.

Whether you're a journalist looking for a story to cover; a person or organization looking for a good cause to promote; or simply someone looking for a wonderful, ongoing story to lift your spirits, you've come to the right place.

Thank you so much for sharing this!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Presenting Brent Bennett!!!

Just in case you're wondering, this definitely IS a Brent Bennett shout-out blog-entry.

He truly IS a somebody worth noising around (Please Do!!!), so expect more to be added to this blog-entry in the time to come...

(Stay Tuned)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

* * *Janice Sue (nee: Van Ness) Martz * * * September 3, 1948 -- June 22, 2020

You can go here to find out more about Janice and her unique family.

Find more information by clicking on the embedded status report below about his Find-A-Grave  tribute..

We're happy to report that this is simply a case of his planning ahead and that he's still (as of July 1, 2020) on this side of Eternity -- hopefully, for many more years.

If you click on this link, you will be able to stay tuned in the time to come.

Thank you for reading.  I hope you'll help to make this blog-entry go viral.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Eight-Days-A-Week Make-It-Go-Viral Blog-Entry

Today is Thursday, June 11, 2020, and what I want to do is to load this blog-entry with lots of positive subject matter that can be shared indefinitely (either as a whole page or as separate items) with the load time beginning today and going through the day that Paul McCartney turns 78 -- which will be a week from today and will be made up of eight separate days.

Who else can hardly believe that not only will Paul be just two years away from 80 come June 18 but that, this coming July 7, Ringo will have actually reached that milestone age!?!

Where has time gone?  It will have also been 80 years since John's birth this coming October 9, and February 25, 2021 will mark 78 years since George was born.

You can probably tell that I'm a fan of  The Beatles, so expect to see some of its content be Beatles-related.


June 18 2020

Due to circumstances beyond my control, the building of this blog-entry has been postponed and will have its completion date extended to cover a period between now and 11:59 PM Anderson, Indiana time on June 25.

June 22, 2020
I have quite a bit to share with you here throughout today that I believe you'll enjoy reading and learning more about with a couple of the better-known names being a couple of people whose lives were spent writing down thoughts that are needed to be shared more than ever in our current time and will continue to be meaningful in the time to come:  Chief Dan George and Maya Angelou.

June 28, 2020

I've decided to go ahead and close this entry and to provide a link
to a long-term writing I launched on May 15, 2020
which I've called My "It's Time!" to "Go Viral" Sheet

Friday, June 5, 2020

How I Spent National Doughnut Day 2020

It's a few minutes before noon on Friday, June 5, 2020 when I began making up this blog entry that will, eventually, let you know how the rest of my day went -- and whether or not I ended up eating one or more doughnuts/donuts.

I was thinking that I was going to end this entry before midnight tonight, but I think I'm going to run it through the last part of the 106th Anniversary of the birth of my uncle, George Willard Jobe, which will be happening this coming Monday, June 8.

Stay tuned for more...

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Meet Writer/Activist William Bradford Huie!!!

You're never
Learn Something New

Today, I learned the history of the movie

The Execution Of Private Slovik

This 1975 made-for TV movie originally started out as a book that was written in 1954 by a man named Willam Bradford Huie who was born 100 years ago this year on February 18.

As it turns out, this wasn't the first book he wrote, and he wrote articles as well as books.  It would be an understatement to describe him as quite prolific.

Two of his areas of expertise were World War II and civil rights.

I hope that you'll get to know this man better and will share his story with others

Please look me up on Facebook and Twitter.

A Very Loaded Status Report 5/28/2020

This is a status report that has taken on a life of its own.

I shared this video and included some words of my own just as I'd written it on my Facebook Timeline,  but, when I went to embed it here, it didn't include my words.  Scroll down below the video -- but don't forget to watch the video --- to read about how I solved that teensy-weensy issue...

What I ended up doing was to copy and paste what I wrote in the original post into a new one -- and I ended up doing that with an introduction that has taken on a life of its own.  In order to see it all, just click on the "See More" in the post to take you there.  It's above and to the right of the teddy bear...




Wednesday, May 20, 2020

It's Sunday, February 9, 1964 Again!!!

It was the day after my folks' 17th wedding anniversary and not quite three months since the assassination of President Kennedy when an announcement was made and a song was sung...

...and this was just the beginning of what would become The British Invasion.

But there will be more about that and other things that made 1964 a milestone year both globally and personally in the time to come.

Just as The British Invasion came along at a time when we needed our spirits lifted, a new opportunity to find out about one of the most amazing people I know is going to be happening today at 10 AM Anderson, Indiana time (We're on the same time as New York City all year long.).

Be sure to tune in (details below) at 10 AM to watch this happening live -- although you should be able to catch it later, but 10 AM will be your chance to catch it live and get to hear Larry telling about his life for a whole hour!!!

If you're in the area, you might want to eat something at our IHOP just so you can say that you were there just as those people in the audience at the Ed Sullivan Theater can look back to that milestone time.

Please share this with others -- not just today but in the time to come -- and see if we can make Larry go at least halfway as viral as The Beatles because he deserves it.

Larry is a bright point-of-light to keep us reminded that life is a glorious gift from God and that we should never give up hope, even in the most trying times!!!

This Is The Link To The Interview!!!

Scroll down for more details as well as a link to the sequel...

And what will happen next?
Go Here To Find Out!!!

How Viral Can He Go!?!

This page is under construction, because it's still in the future.  It will start being added to later on today (Wednesday, May 20, 2020) sometime between 11:15 AM and 11:59 PM...STAY TUNED...

It's now a little after 9 PM, and I'm going to start out with a Facebook status report that pretty much says it all.  As you might suspect, Larry is one happy camper.

Stay tuned for more -- my plans are to keep adding to this until May 20, 2023 because it will be three years from today, and it will also be the year where it's 20 years since Larry began doing this.

As Larry said, he has gone from being a smoking, drug-addicted alcoholic to being a non-smoking, drug-free tabaholic who has made a positive difference in a lot of lives.

I've said it once, and I'll say it again, his story needs to go viral.  I wonder how viral he'll go during the next three years when he'll be 76!!!

Today Is Thursday, May 21, 2020

I'm going to start off with a really neat photo that is sure to brighten your day...

I called Larry this morning at nine to make sure that he was awake at nine-thirty when he'll be receiving a delivery of tabs from Anderson Preparatory Academy (APA) before getting picked up by Rachel to go to his 11:15 therapy appointment at Central Indiana Orthopedics

Today he plans on taking a break from counting tabs while just relaxing and watching TV.

It's going to be rainy -- and even stormy -- beginning over the weekend, so it will be ideal weather for him to stay in and count tabs.

Will tell you more later...


Stay tuned for more!!!

Friday, May 8, 2020

The May 8, 2020 Outing Of Larry & Rachel

Today, Larry & Rachel are going on an outing involving shopping for "health food," picking up some tabs, and going for physical therapy (for Larry).

You can find out more by clicking on the [F] in the embedded status report below as well as scrolling down to find more of what I've written here in this blog-entry...

Stay tuned for more to be written here after I talk to Larry tonight and find out how his day went.

I can hardly wait, as I love hearing the excitement in his voice when he talks about his day,

As you can tell from the video I shared in the Facebook status report, Larry's just a kid-at-heart.

???...More To Come...???

Thursday, April 30, 2020

An Ainsley Celebration (Why Not!?!)

Just got in the mood to celebrate the name
which just happens to be my late mom's middle name, my first name, and a name shared by people from many walks-of-life.

This is a name with a very rich history, so enjoy the read...

Continue the celebration by going HERE.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Today (4/18/2020) Is My 11th Twitter Anniversary!!!

!!!Let's Celebrate!!!

!!! And Here I Am !!!

Stay tuned for some (Not all--You'll have to click on my TwitterTurf to see all...) of the Tweets made on my 11th Twitter Anniversary (Saturday, April 18); the day after (Sunday, April 19); and the day after that (Monday, April 20), because this is going to be a very exciting three-day period where ANYthing can happen and, likely, will (I mean that in a good way!)...



Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Scott E. "Scotty" Miller Was Born 48 Years Ago Today

I'm going to be adding to this blog-entry for the next two years when it will be the Golden Anniversary of Scotty's Birth.  The more I add the more you'll know how awesome this angel was during his short visit to this earthly realm.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Duh!?! April 10, 2020

Perhaps, it might not be quite that simple (especially, since it has already been spread-to-the-extreme), but following a few rules and using some good old common sense at this time would go a long ways towards saving lives.

I have more to say but will sign off for now...

Light It Blue (Thursday, April 9, 2020)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I Wonder How Many People Reading This Remember 1973...

Today is St. Patrick's Day2020.

I'm making (in my opinion) good use of the time when I need to be isolated by thinking of this is a kind of retreat where I can begin to play catch re: things that I need to get done.

(Please read the Facebook status report and, then scroll below to read more of this blog-entry) ... 

Go here to continue keeping up with this.

Did I Wear Green Today?

Friday, February 28, 2020

A Sweet Message From An Angel Named Rachel

This Entry Is Currently Under Construction So Pardon My Dust...

Go HERE to find out more about Larry's special mission.

Below find what his buddy, Rachel, shared on Facebook yesterday (referring to Thursday, February 28, 2020 for those who might read this at a later time).

Due to the weather, I wasn't able to attend his open house birthday party this year (the first time since 2017 when he began having these parties on his 70th birthday -- something begun by Rachel and some others he has referred to as his special angels).

Each of these parties has been held on a Saturday that has been the closest to his birthday (February 17).

2017 -- February 18
2018 -- February 17
2019 -- February 16

This year, a lot of things were different.

Rachel would be out-of-town on a road-trip on the Saturday closest to his birthday and for over a week after that, and Larry was (as he still is, as of 2/29/2020) dealing with a combo of recuperating from a bad fall he took and the aftermath of the flooding (due to a burst pipe during single-digit temperatures) of the apartment he moved into the last part of May 2019.

It just so happens that 2020 is a Leap Year and that the last day of February is happening on the last Saturday of the month, so -- other than the slick weather that has caused me to stay in and miss the party -- it's an absolutely perfect time to celebrate this event.

The message you see below is what I wrote to go with the above PSA when I shared it on my Timeline.  For some reason, it wouldn't post together with the PSA, so I've made a separate copy of it to embed here..

Stay tuned for one more addition to this entry -- which will be an update on how the party went.  I'm sure that it will be a very wonderful party and Larry will be talking about it in his usual bubbly way.

By the time this posts, one of my own angels (an 86 years young guy named Don) will, likely, have arrived at this party as he dropped by here just a little bit ago and I told him what was happening.  He was wanting to pick up a tasty meal to bring home and enjoy with his wife, Carol, so he now knows that he can see Larry, get some food, and add some birthday cake to the experience -- a very sweet deal (no pun originally intended).

While Don was at my place, he shared some news about another awesome guy named Mike (someone whom I first met in 1980) and, also, described someone else he saw out-and-about whom I suspect was someone named Nick -- another one of my heroes.  I hope to share more about all of them in future entries.

Anyway, I suggested to Don that he really needs to get on Facebook since he also enjoys shouting out deserving people.

Going to sign off for now and will update this again before the weekend is over...


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Baby Bear Has Been -- And Still Is -- Hibernating...

Today is Tuesday at  a little after 11 AM, and I've been hibernating due to the combination of the weather being more favorable to staying in and simply wanting to stay in and have mostly uninterrupted time to catch up with several things.  I think I'm making headway.

This blog-entry will be finished on the day when I venture outside and catch a bus somewhere. (Spoiler: That will be sometime this week the way I see things now...).

Anyway, I'm going to finish this blog-entry late in the day of the first day I go out.

It's now a little after 11:30 AM here in Anderson, Indiana ...


Monday, February 17, 2020

It's Monday, February 17, 2020 All Day Today!!!

Keep scrolling down
unfolding story
how I spent
February 17, 2020
such an extra-special
very first

I'm going to be adding a lot to this page all day long today, because it's a very special celebration day, so stay tuned and see what gets added...

For starters, you can click on the [f] in the upper-right-hand corner of what you'll be seeing next to find out more details about why this day is so special.  Of course, I'll be saying more about that here in this blog-entry which I plan to add to until some point between when February 17, 2020 becomes history here in my hometown of Anderson, Indiana and when it's no longer February 17, 2020 anywhere on the entire planet.

At this time, it's a little past 5:30 PM, and I'm going to sign off here to get some other things done, but rest assured that -- in the words of General Douglas MacArthur -- "I shall return!!!"


Well!  I ended up falling asleep, so I'm finishing this blog-entry mid-morning of February 18.

Larry called me around 10:30 PM to tell me about his day.

He went to his physical therapy in the morning and came home after that.

During the day, a few people dropped by to bring him cards, presents, cans, and tabs, and he heard of a few others by phone.

Then, it was time for him to be picked up for his birthday dinner at Cracker Barrel.  Jaona, her husband, mom, and sister took him there where he had a great time and did get sung to for his birthday as well.  He saw at least a few more people he knew -- and even had this couple he didn't know who were there and heard him getting sung to stop and wish him a happy birthday as they passed by his table on the way out.

He also received at least one phone call and missed another one that came in without his noticing it due to being on with the first caller.  When he noticed the missed call, it was late, so he will return that call sometime today.

Jaona and her crew took him shopping for some of his favorite crunchy snack items and gave him some of their leftovers from the meal.  They said that they hope to take him out again in the near future, which made Larry very happy.

He said that he couldn't believe how quickly his birthday was going by -- and I reminded him that the celebration wasn't over with yet, as the occasion was getting stretched out for the rest of the month due to his open house taking place on the last day of the month this year!

I believe that 2020 will be a very good year for Larry -- and for me as well -- and I hope that it turns out to be an awesome one for you as well.  This is a beginning of a whole new decade!  Isn't that exciting!?!

This blog-entry is now finished.  Be sure to scroll down and take a look at the rest of the graphics if you haven't already (or even if you have).

Also, I hope you'll return to see what's happening RIGHT HERE where I've been working to make it a more interesting place to drop by.  Scroll from top to bottom to enjoy the additions and renovations.

You can keep up with the time ahead by visiting the blog I'm treating as a diary/journal that I plan to keep up on a more regular basis.  This is the ENTRY I'm working on at the time that I'm finishing this blog-entry you're now reading.
Currently, I'm in the process of playing a lot of catch-up in my life, and it has been a learning experience.  I hope you'll come along for the adventure...

It's now Tuesday, February 18, at a little after11:30 AM Anderson, Indiana time.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

What Does It Take To Be A Hero?

This is a blog-entry I'm writing about heroes.  I'm going to keep adding to it until June 26, 2021 -- which is the 70th anniversary of the birth of the awesome woman I'm giving a shout-out at the beginning of this entry.

Rest assured that this is just an introduction to her and that I'll be mentioning a whole lot more about her over time, as she's someone who lived a wonderful dash during her time here for just under 34 years.