Today is Monday, November 9, 2020 -- meaning that it's the 84th Anniversary of the birth of two very special ladies who made this world a better place during the time that they spent here.
Both have passed on, but they won't be forgotten.
Mary Travers
is the one who is known by the most people, as she was part of the folk trio
Peter, Paul, & Mary,_Paul_and_Mary
who began playing together in 1961.
This song from 1963 also speaks to us here in 2020...
Are we listening!?!
Virginia "Jenny" Dyson is the sweet-looking older lady dressed in reddish-orange with a blue bag on her lap in the photo you'll be coming to when you scroll down a bit more.
This picture was taken on February 18, 2017 at a birthday party for our local CanMan, Larry (on right-hand side of picture), celebrating his turning 70 the day before.
You can find out more about him (and me, as well) by clicking on the link below:
Meet Anderson, Indiana Residents Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness & Ainsley Jo "PenLady" Phillips
The lady who took this picture using her phone is the one with all of that beautiful curly, red hair and a smiling face complete with a prominent chin-dimple in the left-hand foreground.
Her name is Rachel, and she's been -- and still is -- a very big help to Larry in a lot of ways along with being one of his best buddies.
She is -- along with being talented in several other ways -- an excellent photographer who loves to travel and take pictures.
You can find more samples of her photography by going here:
The way I met Jenny was when I returned to Anderson in November of 2016 after living in Muncie since October of 2014.
She was my down-the-hall neighbor and a very friendly lady who wanted to make sure that I got properly introduced around.
Although she still got around in her apartment with the help of a walker, she rode on a scooter when she was beyond her front door, and she had all sorts of bags loaded here and there on that scooter so that she had everything she might need and then some.
She had been wanting to get a dog to shower her love on for a very long time and finally was given a long-haired dachshund named Bambi who was just perfect for her and vice-versa.
After that, those two were practically inseparable.
You can read more about them by clicking on the link below and, after reading her obituary, going to the tribute section and reading what I wrote there that also includes how she got to know Larry.
On May 8, 2018, I was heading out to vote in the county and state elections if I were able to find somebody who would be able to drive me to the Adams Township voting location where I was still showing up as being registered.
I hadn't seen Jenny for at least a couple of days because she had taken a fall (landing on her back) and was at home recuperating.
Just as I was about to head out, I was approached by another neighbor (one I've nicknamed Comfort Food Mary because -- as she has a working vehicle -- she has a special mission of driving to food giveaway sites and bringing back enough food to both take care of her own needs and share with her neighbors) who told me that Jenny had passed away sometime during the night.
Bambi was found by the paramedics (brought there by a phone call from Jenny who realized that she needed help) snuggled up to Jenny and waiting for them to arrive. By then, Jenny had already passed away.
It was a bittersweet day for me, as I was celebrating my first time to vote since returning to Madison County and saying goodbye to a very special friend.
Larry and I were both able to go to Jenny's visitation and service that was held on the following Monday (May 14), and he was able to ride with the minister to the cemetery (which I couldn't due to not being able to get up into his pick-up truck), and I was able to go to the condolence dinner.
One of the songs (selected by Jenny when she was planning her service) that was playing while we filed past Jenny's casket for one last look at her was this one:
When I hear it these days, it takes me back to that day.
For quite some time, there was a feeling of sadness when I would return home after running an errand and look at the outdoor sitting area that was now missing one lady on a scooter and her little dog (Bambi went to live in Kentucky).
But life went on, and it became easier to look at that area -- which is how Jenny wanted it to be.
Her family gave me some of her belongings that she wanted me to have, and they're decorating my apartment now.
What I've written here is just the beginning of what I want to say about Jenny. Rest assured that I'll be writing more in the time to come...