Sunday, February 10, 2019

I'm Crazy...I Know It...I Own It...

I don't remember just what I did to set my fourth grade teacher off that day during the 1962-63 school year, but I DO remember that she said in response:

"You are not a normal child!!!"

I remember feeling hurt at the time by her remark, but I can't remember whether or not I cried, though I probably did.

Something (Don't ask me what, because I can't remember...) got me to thinking about that incident around three years ago, and I made the remark that my 63 year old self would have told her:

"Thank you very much!!!"

On second thought, I decided that saying this might not have been a great idea, as her response to that would have likely been to give a sound slapping to my face, arms, and upper-back while ordering me not to get smart with her (This description is based on actually experiencing this from her near the beginning of the school year.).

Even so, I could have still thought it to myself and avoided receiving "corporal punishment" -- unless she would have decided to slap the smile right off my face.

Well!  It's now Sunday, February 10, 2019, and I'm starting to grow this blog-entry that I'll put the finishing touches on the day I turn 70:  Monday, December 12, 2022.

The theme of this blog-entry isn't to celebrate the kind of craziness (criminal insanity) that leads people to maim and/or kill others and/or themselves, and it won't be making light of mental dis-ease such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Postpartum Depression, etc.

This is simply a celebration of holding onto your dreams and uniqueness even when people don't always "get" you.

However, it WILL (as one part of its mission) address those issues in the time ahead.

Right at this moment, I don't know just what I'll be sharing here first, next, after that, etc., and right on until the very last update, though I do have some thoughts about what will be going here initially.

For now, however, I'm going to sign off by sharing this video:


Today (Tuesday, February 12, 2019) is the 210th anniversary of the births of two well-known men: Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, and it's also a day when I've included giving my TwitterTurf a (not so) extreme makeover that will, eventually, include replacing my current pinned Tweet with a newer one.

However, I like the current one too much to have it disappear into one of the black holes of Twitter past, so I'm going to embed it here.

All you have to do is to click on it to see any part of it that might not be showing in this embedding of it.

That's all for now but hope to be back here soon with more positively-crazy things to share...

Get ready to enjoy some good, clean, & crazy fun with John Cronin the 23 year old tycoon who's living his dream of designing and selling zillions of crazy socks.

Today is Wednesday, November 20, 2019...

And it's been awhile since I've added to this blog-entry, but I've decided to update you some.

For one thing, I've decided to keep the same pinned Tweet that I've been using for awhile and had even forgotten that I was going to preserve it but replace it just to give my TwitterTurf a new look.  There are plenty of other ways to give it a new look besides that, and I've done those things plenty of times.

Also, I have been talking about grand-opening something I've been referring to as


since forever and a year of Sundays.

I have decided that the grand-opening (when "THE BIG PROJECT" will finally have a wonderful, permanent name besides "THE BIG PROJECT") won't be taking place until sometime in 2020, even though I've already started introducing parts of it here and there).

My life has taken some strange turns, but most have been positive ones with good things coming from even the ones that have been challenging.

Life is a school, and I've been learning a lot of lessons and coming to a better understanding of where I fit into the scheme of things.

So I'm just going to say that I'm even better at being crazy than I was the last time that I wrote something in this blog-entry and plan to continue my pursuit of craziness.

Enough said for now...

Stay (Loony) Tuned For More...