Thursday, January 31, 2019

Removing Blinders & Blinkers (Part One)

Part One of this blog-entry will be added to from January 31, 2019 until no later than 11:59 PM on January 30, 2020.

Part Two will cover the period of time from January 31, 2020 until no later than 11:59 PM on January 30, 2021.

Part Three will cover the period of time from January 31, 2021 until no later than 11:59 PM on January 30, 2022.

I read  a couple of things that have especially inspired me to create this blog-entry with the most recent one being shared by author and child advocate, Roger Dean Kiser:


Sunday, January 27, 2019

"Extra! Extra! Read All About It!"

Today is Sunday, January 27, 2019.
I will be adding to this blog-entry through
Friday, February 15, 2019.
Sometime between now and then,
I'll be letting you know
how I came up with
this stopping date,
I'll also be letting you know
what inspired me to create
this blog-entry...

Stay Tuned...


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The "Don't Give Up!" Page

Today is Wednesday, January 23, 2019...

In the wee hours of the morning, I read a disturbing Tweet.

A woman was asking for prayer for a friend and her son -- the latter who was now in the hospital due to becoming suicidal.  The age of this struggling soul was given as twelve...

!!!TWELVE!!! young to be feeling so hopeless...but, sadly, not TOO young to be feeling so hopeless.  I have actually read about several suicide attempts and completed suicides where the age of the child doing this is in the single digits -- even as young as FIVE.

We can ask ourselves...


...but there are no easy answers.

This is a blog-entry I'm going to be adding new content to for the next three years (that is, until January 23, 2022) unless either this blog ceases to exist (which I hope won't happen) or my time in this part of Eternity comes to a close (because it's time and not by my choosing to leave early...btw, having three digits in my age is on my bucket list, and, God willing, this will come to pass!!!).

Even after I'm no longer updating this blog-entry, it will still be growing, as I'll be adding links that will branch it out in various directions.

This is a blog-entry with the theme that life is worth living even when it doesn't seem that way.

Here is the number to reach National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


Clicking on the above hyperlink I made will take you to a page where you can find out more about ways you can help and/or be helped.

As for this plans are to fill it with comfort and encouragement.

I'm not sure just where I'll be going with this other than to say that it's my goal to share encouraging words with the very important message not to give up on life even when things appear hopeless.

You never know what's awaiting you just around the corner...



Saturday, January 19, 2019

Peculiar, Pampered Princess Phillips's Popcorn Project

This Blog-Entry

Was Started



January 19, 2019


National Popcorn Day


When Will It End

For starters, I'm going to tell you right off when the last time will be for me to add anything new here:

January 19, 2022.

The January 19 part is the date for National Popcorn Day, and the 2022 part is about how it will then be 55 years since the first Superbowl took place back in 1967.  Since popcorn is a popular thing to snack on while watching football this is definitely a winning combination!!!

In the time to come, expect to find much here related to POPCORN (of course) along with other things that go well with this yummy treat such as FOOTBALL (and other sports), MOVIES, DORM LIFE/COLLEGE LIFE, HOLIDAYS, etc.

Sunday 1/27/2019

Today, I've already discovered a really great story to be shared here.  I believe you'll also enjoy it...


Here's a continuation of the post I made earlier that is absolutely loaded with empowering stories and other information.  One might say that this has expanded from kernels into a big bowl of fluffy, yummy popcorn.

One more thing, there are two Tweets in this thread that look exactly alike, but they aren't, so be sure to click on both to find out where they take you...


Stay tuned for further developments...

MeThinks...Begun A Little After 1 PM EST on 1/19/2019

Posting thoughts through a month after a week after the POTUS Inauguration in 2021.

This is, religion, politics, whatever...

From the crazy mind
Ainsley Jo Phillips



Is it possible not to believe in a power higher than yourself without being an atheist?
Yes!  God does it all of the time!


Did you know that not all communists are atheists and not all atheists are communists?
(Something I read yesterday got me to thinking about this.  Once I write about this, you will be able to CLICK HERE to go to it.  As for myself, I'm neither atheist nor communist.)




Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019


This blog-entry will be added to
through February 27, 2022 --
which will be my
20th WritingDotCom Birthday...
Stay tuned for thoughts with the theme of what we want to leave behind after we have passed on...



The Flower Child Era

Friday, January 11, 2019

Today, I began to think of what might be called

The Flower Child Era

after reading this article...

...which brought this song to mind:

Below, find a passage from a book I began writing (give or take) a couple of decades ago -- and, actually, became inspired to write back in 1987 (over three decades ago) after reading a portion of a letter that had been included in my medical records when our family doctor, Warren C. Polhemus, retired and gave them to me.

For the record, Dr. Polhemus thought that the entire situation that had inspired the letter was ridiculous.

"...Dick was so sweet. He told me that he always enjoyed reading my HODGEPODGE column in the school newspaper--and that he had remembered me from way back on registration day.

That incident had slipped my mind, but I'd remembered it then.

This good-looking guy (some member of the faculty I'd assumed) had taken my registration portfolio--only to find an important part of it missing. I'd been unaware that there had been anything missing.

He had teased me a little bit about it--and then told me that I would need to go to the office of the academic dean to have the matter settled.

When I'd gone to the office of the academic dean, I thought he had a very strange response to my problem--told me that, if I were going to succeed at this college, I would have to learn to act like everyone else. He didn't even know me, so why did he have the impression that I was somehow at fault regarding this matter?

When I think about it now, I think that his first impression had been pre-colored by what had been passed along in my school records (the same item that had pre-colored the dean of women's impression of me). That--and the fact that I had come there dressed in sandals, an ankle-length peasant dress, and long hair parted in the middle (which was, probably, a sure sign to him that I was planning on turning our respectable Christian college into Haight-Asbury or Woodstock).

Dick told me years later that I looked like a flower child that day--and, in fact, that I looked and acted like a flower child (without the vices that a lot of the older generation associated with being a flower child, of course) most of the time.

He said that he often missed the way things were back then--so do I, Dick. So do I. Perhaps, not in all ways, but there was something really beautiful and hopeful about those years that I want today's generation to feel and experience!..."

This blog-entry will be added to through August 18, 2019, which is the 50th anniversary of the final day of the original Woodstock get-together.




About That Book I Was Going To Write...

This blog-entry was begun on Friday, January 11, 2019 and is about a book I began writing many years ago that -- for reasons that will become more clear as I add to this blog-entry -- is now (referring to the date I'm writing this hot-pink introduction) in an indefinitely-delayed status.

However, I still don't believe that this status will be a lasting one -- even though I'm thinking that it will, likely, be at least a year or two before I'm able to both continue writing the book and get it finished.

But who can tell!?!

The ending date of this blog-entry will be a year from when my book gets finished and goes up for sale...

Under Construction


Yippee!  My book is
finally finished and
Time to celebrate

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Shareable Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness

This blog-entry was begun on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 with its purpose being to create a page with information about Larry that can be easily shared with a single link:  the one leading to this blog entry.

At the time that it came into being, Larry was just 510,100 away from counting his 19,000,000th tab since he began doing this in 2003.

How long will this blog-entry be added to?

It will be added to for one year after Larry has counted his 20,000,000th tab...

Today is Thursday, January 10, 2019...

...and I'm just going to write a brief message in here at this time with that message being that the date, time, and location of Larry's birthday party has officially been set up.  I'm hoping that the weather will be as wonderful as it has been the last two times.

This birthday party will be the third one since he was treated to his first one in 2017 in celebration of his 70th birthday, and the location has always been the same (and I doubt if that will be changing anytime soon).  It seems to be scheduled around the same time, which is the Saturday afternoon that falls closest to his February 17th birthday.

Anyway, here are the details:

111 W. 14th Street
(southwest corner of 14th & Jackson)
Anderson. Indiana

Saturday, February 16 from 1 PM to 4 PM

Type Of Party
Open House (Come & go as you please)
Cake, any fountain drink, whatever else is served as part of the party is free.
You can (if you want to) order extra eats from the main menu,
but no purchase is necessary.

No cards or gifts are necessary, either, but won't be refused -- in fact,
cards and/or gifts will, likely, make Larry's eyes light up
(along with the rest of his cute face)
in a way that can best be compared with how a little kid looks on
Christmas Morning upon seeing what all Santa has left during the night.

Some of his favorite gifts are:
tabs (of course)
Boxtops for Education
Labels from Campbell's products aimed at ending child hunger

When I have more time, I'll go into more detail about other ideas for gifts.

But the most important gift you can bring to this party is you.

A big turn-out where Larry gets to meet you, talk to you, pose for pictures with you, etc.
will make him very happy.  If you have any kids, grandkids, nieces/nephews, godchildren, and/or
other kids you know who would like to be part of his big celebration, be sure to bring them, as
Larry loves having kids at his parties.

I need to sign off for now but will add more to this later...

Saturday, January 12...

Yesterday, Larry was going to be driven around to run some errands by a friend named Wayne, but he ended up getting sick and calling Larry to let him know that he wouldn't be able to.  Here is what happened next (that is, here's my "Thank You!" note in response to what happened next):

Long-story-short:  Larry was as happy as a cute, little clam!!!


If you are mailing tabs; letters/cards/postcards; and/or anything else to Larry
(I'm sharing the address to use right after this message)...


make sure that you've used enough postage so that it doesn't arrive with POSTAGE DUE.

Larry has a big heart, but he doesn't have a bottomless bank account.

He's a senior citizen with his only regular/guaranteed income being a fixed one from a small monthly check.

If, perhaps, a dozen packages arrived with POSTAGE DUE and he did extra well when recycling cans (all tabs always removed to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Indianapolis, Indiana, of course) and other aluminum/metal items, it might not be all that difficult for him to take care of the POSTAGE DUE.

However, there are at least two flies in the ointment going on here:

(1) Larry can only be sure of getting his fixed monthly income, so he can't begin taking care of paying POSTAGE DUE.

(2) And this is the address for a bank that his correspondence is sent in care of, and they can't be responsible for taking care of POSTAGE DUE issues.

Therefore, if anything arrives with POSTAGE DUE, it will have to be refused and returned.

If you want what you send to Larry to get to Larry, make sure that the cost of mailing it has been covered at your end.

Now, as promised, here's where to send things:

Larry Van Ness  
c/o Old National Bank
1501 North Broadway

Tuesday, January 22...

Last night, Larry told me that he was now 323,445 tabs away from counting his 19,000,000th tab (since he began doing this in 2003) to be donated to Ronald McDonald House's Indianapolis location that is right next to Riley Children's Hospital with a part of it even being in the hospital, itself.

Today, he and his friend, Rachel, ...

Monday, February 4...

Somehow, I got derailed before I finished what I'd begun writing almost two weeks ago.

Anyway, look at how far he's come between now and then!!!

I'm going to give you another heads-up at this time before getting back to my busy, little life:

Larry wants you to know that he'll be staying in Indianapolis from July 20 until July 31 and that the tab and coin-drop on Monument Circle will be taking place on Friday, July 26, starting at 11 AM.  If you get there after 2 PM, you will have likely gotten in on the tail-end or will have missed it altogether.

I'll be going into more detail later, but just wanted you to know at least that much -- as well as how Larry will be staying at his favorite Indianapolis hotel as usual where he loves to visit with both old and new friends when he's sitting in the lobby.

One thing Larry would love to do is to throw out the first pitch at one of the home games this summer.

He would also love to meet/re-meet any athletes who happen to be in town.

If one or more people reading this are both willing and able to make these dreams come true for him, thanks, in advance, for making it happen!!!

You'll find his little kid on Christmas Morning expression will simply melt your heart!!!

It's very likely that he'll be receiving plaques for both counting 19,000,000 and 20,000,000 tabs since 2003 on the Circle this year.

And I wouldn't be surprised if he has counted his 21,000,000th tab before the year is over!!!

Larry is definitely one-of-a-kind!!!

I actually have several updates to make, but my computer mouse is having issues at this time, so, I'll be adding them later.  But the short story is that today's the day of Larry's open-house, and he's less than 198,000 away from counting his 19,000,000th tab!!!


Here's a picture Raina took of me at Larry's open-house which was 4 wonderful hours that went by way too quickly.

Larry is now only a little over 103,000 tabs away from #19,000,000 here on Wednesday, February 20, 2019!!!


Today is Monday, February 25, and Larry realized that he had given incorrect stats the last time he made a report but has since corrected his notes and is back-on-track again.  As he's very thorough, this has never happened in all of the years that he's been counting, but he's had a lot on his mind lately.

He has all kinds of tabs to count in containers of all sizes and shapes, and it won't be much longer before he's counted his 19,000,000th tab and will be heading towards his 20,000,000th tab.

He hopes to have that counted before he goes to Indianapolis in July.  When he reaches that milestone, there are going to be all kinds of celebrations going on!!!

Today's Date:
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hello, Everybody!!!

The last update I made here was on March 1, 2019, and a lot has been happening since then to where I didn't keep up with this

For one thing, Larry counted his 19,000,000th tab on Saturday, March 2, at 5:26 PM.

For another thing, he's continuing his count towards tab #20,000,000 that he hopes to have done by the early part of July -- and it's an understatement to say that he'll DEFINITELY have this done by then!!!

Today's Date:
Thursday, April 11, 2019

I'm finishing the note that I began writing four days ago -- which basically says that I'm working on several things at once at this time.

Already busy in the first place I got even busier when I was trying to play catch-up on a computer that was having issues -- especially where the mouse was concerned.  The mouse now seems to be behaving slightly better at this time 2019

Have A Blessed Day!!!
Ainsley Jo "The PenLady" Phillips ☺


Today is Thursday, June 20, 2019, and I'm going to give you a LINK to an entry that I'll be building until sometime before the midnight that bids Goodbye to the first full day of Summer 2019 and welcomes the first Sunday of the same.

The purpose of this progressive entry is to focus on seeing how caught up with the things I need/want to do I can get within the time period I've just mentioned.

You will find quite a bit of Larry info there -- including (but not limited to) links to entries I made about Larry in this blog but not in the blog-entry you're reading now -- by the time it's the first Sunday in Summer 2019.

One thing I'm going to be adding (both here and there) will be a link to an opinion piece I plan to write re: why I've decided not to run for the position of POTUS #46.

On this note, I'll close for now...

Stay Tuned For More...


Monday, January 7, 2019

It's Going To Be A Coming-Together Sort Of Year!!!

I began writing this entry on
Monday, January 7, 2019
and will be adding to it through
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

That day will be the 91st anniversary of the birth of  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who made these words:

"I Have A Dream..."

go down in history in a very wonderful and empowering way.

The theme of this blog-entry is about the realization of dreams.

Although the last thing to happen on the last day of last year that hit close to home was the passing of my first cousin, Phil, that morning, I still traveled into 2019 with an overall positive feeling about the yet-to-be-walked path of this brand-new year awaiting me.

This is a year that has now been reality in my neck of the woods (that is, the area of the planet that is on the same time as New York City -- with this being Anderson, Indiana in my case) for nearly seven whole days.

Anyway, it seems as if various parts of my life are starting to really come together and that a lot of my dreams will be coming true this year -- I'm talking about a list of several things on which I've been working including several things I've had on the back-burner for several years (in SOME cases, even several DECADES -- for example, writing projects I've been wanting to do; places I've been wanting to go; people I've been wanting to meet; etc.).

This year, I have the feeling, is when several of those dreams are going to come true!!!

And this overall feeling was what I was feeling earlier today that inspired me to make up this TweetSequence (You need to click on it -- the Tweet part of it instead of the video part -- to view the entire TweetSequence):

I actually began putting it together several hours ago and have been working on various things ever since.

Tomorrow is going to be a day for making up for lost time when it comes to home improvements (as in doing spring housecleaning in the winter), but there will still be plenty of time to write, so I won't be shutting off my computer for any length of time.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I will be alternating between going out to run much-needed-to-be-run errands; being online; and just kicking back in real life.

So this is how I'm going to end this introduction.......

Tuesday 1/8/2019...



That's all for now, but stay tuned for more...

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Celebrating My Cousin, Phil; Boston Terriers/Animal Rescue; Monopoly; & Aviation

This page will be added to through January 31, 2020
which will be the 75th Anniversary
the birth of my cousin
Phillip Thomas Alexander
January 31, 1945
December 31, 2018

It's a little before 8 AM on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.

I'm excited about the brand new year that awaits me.

In many ways, it seems like one when several of my dreams will be coming true, but there's still this feeling of sadness that the last leaf on the tree has fallen and a chapter in the book of life as we know it has concluded -- yet, we can find comfort in knowing that new chapters will continue to be added to the book of Phil's life for so long as Eternity lasts (which is without end).

This is a year of promise and anticipation, and my prayer is that I'll be able to make as many positive differences as I possibly can -- with one of those being to write just the right words on this page to comfort and inspire all who read it.


Today is Friday, January 4, at a little after 12:30 in the afternoon, and I've just finished creating this TweetSequence and am adding it here.  I hope you'll take a look at it.  At this time, there are two pictures of Phil and several people writing tribute at his memorial site.

At this time, I need to run some errands, so I'll be adding my tribute later tonight after I'm settled in.

I have some old photos of him, too, but they're in storage and need to be turned into files, so it will likely be at least a few days before they get added...

Today is Sunday, January 6, at a little before 3 PM, and I'm adding this video that I find to be really well-put-together and captures Phil so well.

How the video begins and ends with the flight of a plane is so fitting as it had been Phil's dream to be a commercial airline pilot.  However, he couldn't qualify as such due to his weight even though  he was licensed to fly privately.

But he had gone to Purdue with dreams of graduating and flying all over the world.

Instead, his time at Purdue resulted in something even better:

becoming the perfect husband for Sandy and her becoming the perfect wife for him for over 52 years.

Mutual friends had fixed them up on a blind date because they knew that they were at least the perfect height for each other as Phil was over 6 feet tall while Sandy was 5'11".

On Thursday, October 17, 2019, Sandy peacefully joined Phil, Doug, and other loved ones (both human and non human) after taking a turn for the worse due to adding a broken neck to her other health issues.  Will be adding more information soon...


Today is Sunday, December 8, 2019, and I'm adding an important part of this tribute that I had actually put together almost a month ago but had gotten distracted and hadn't posted it here.  With the addition of this, you'll get to know much more about this precious family.


To be continued...