Thursday, May 28, 2020

Meet Writer/Activist William Bradford Huie!!!

You're never
Learn Something New

Today, I learned the history of the movie

The Execution Of Private Slovik

This 1975 made-for TV movie originally started out as a book that was written in 1954 by a man named Willam Bradford Huie who was born 100 years ago this year on February 18.

As it turns out, this wasn't the first book he wrote, and he wrote articles as well as books.  It would be an understatement to describe him as quite prolific.

Two of his areas of expertise were World War II and civil rights.

I hope that you'll get to know this man better and will share his story with others

Please look me up on Facebook and Twitter.

A Very Loaded Status Report 5/28/2020

This is a status report that has taken on a life of its own.

I shared this video and included some words of my own just as I'd written it on my Facebook Timeline,  but, when I went to embed it here, it didn't include my words.  Scroll down below the video -- but don't forget to watch the video --- to read about how I solved that teensy-weensy issue...

What I ended up doing was to copy and paste what I wrote in the original post into a new one -- and I ended up doing that with an introduction that has taken on a life of its own.  In order to see it all, just click on the "See More" in the post to take you there.  It's above and to the right of the teddy bear...




Wednesday, May 20, 2020

It's Sunday, February 9, 1964 Again!!!

It was the day after my folks' 17th wedding anniversary and not quite three months since the assassination of President Kennedy when an announcement was made and a song was sung...

...and this was just the beginning of what would become The British Invasion.

But there will be more about that and other things that made 1964 a milestone year both globally and personally in the time to come.

Just as The British Invasion came along at a time when we needed our spirits lifted, a new opportunity to find out about one of the most amazing people I know is going to be happening today at 10 AM Anderson, Indiana time (We're on the same time as New York City all year long.).

Be sure to tune in (details below) at 10 AM to watch this happening live -- although you should be able to catch it later, but 10 AM will be your chance to catch it live and get to hear Larry telling about his life for a whole hour!!!

If you're in the area, you might want to eat something at our IHOP just so you can say that you were there just as those people in the audience at the Ed Sullivan Theater can look back to that milestone time.

Please share this with others -- not just today but in the time to come -- and see if we can make Larry go at least halfway as viral as The Beatles because he deserves it.

Larry is a bright point-of-light to keep us reminded that life is a glorious gift from God and that we should never give up hope, even in the most trying times!!!

This Is The Link To The Interview!!!

Scroll down for more details as well as a link to the sequel...

And what will happen next?
Go Here To Find Out!!!

How Viral Can He Go!?!

This page is under construction, because it's still in the future.  It will start being added to later on today (Wednesday, May 20, 2020) sometime between 11:15 AM and 11:59 PM...STAY TUNED...

It's now a little after 9 PM, and I'm going to start out with a Facebook status report that pretty much says it all.  As you might suspect, Larry is one happy camper.

Stay tuned for more -- my plans are to keep adding to this until May 20, 2023 because it will be three years from today, and it will also be the year where it's 20 years since Larry began doing this.

As Larry said, he has gone from being a smoking, drug-addicted alcoholic to being a non-smoking, drug-free tabaholic who has made a positive difference in a lot of lives.

I've said it once, and I'll say it again, his story needs to go viral.  I wonder how viral he'll go during the next three years when he'll be 76!!!

Today Is Thursday, May 21, 2020

I'm going to start off with a really neat photo that is sure to brighten your day...

I called Larry this morning at nine to make sure that he was awake at nine-thirty when he'll be receiving a delivery of tabs from Anderson Preparatory Academy (APA) before getting picked up by Rachel to go to his 11:15 therapy appointment at Central Indiana Orthopedics

Today he plans on taking a break from counting tabs while just relaxing and watching TV.

It's going to be rainy -- and even stormy -- beginning over the weekend, so it will be ideal weather for him to stay in and count tabs.

Will tell you more later...


Stay tuned for more!!!

Friday, May 8, 2020

The May 8, 2020 Outing Of Larry & Rachel

Today, Larry & Rachel are going on an outing involving shopping for "health food," picking up some tabs, and going for physical therapy (for Larry).

You can find out more by clicking on the [F] in the embedded status report below as well as scrolling down to find more of what I've written here in this blog-entry...

Stay tuned for more to be written here after I talk to Larry tonight and find out how his day went.

I can hardly wait, as I love hearing the excitement in his voice when he talks about his day,

As you can tell from the video I shared in the Facebook status report, Larry's just a kid-at-heart.

???...More To Come...???