Thursday, April 30, 2020

An Ainsley Celebration (Why Not!?!)

Just got in the mood to celebrate the name
which just happens to be my late mom's middle name, my first name, and a name shared by people from many walks-of-life.

This is a name with a very rich history, so enjoy the read...

Continue the celebration by going HERE.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Today (4/18/2020) Is My 11th Twitter Anniversary!!!

!!!Let's Celebrate!!!

!!! And Here I Am !!!

Stay tuned for some (Not all--You'll have to click on my TwitterTurf to see all...) of the Tweets made on my 11th Twitter Anniversary (Saturday, April 18); the day after (Sunday, April 19); and the day after that (Monday, April 20), because this is going to be a very exciting three-day period where ANYthing can happen and, likely, will (I mean that in a good way!)...



Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Scott E. "Scotty" Miller Was Born 48 Years Ago Today

I'm going to be adding to this blog-entry for the next two years when it will be the Golden Anniversary of Scotty's Birth.  The more I add the more you'll know how awesome this angel was during his short visit to this earthly realm.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Duh!?! April 10, 2020

Perhaps, it might not be quite that simple (especially, since it has already been spread-to-the-extreme), but following a few rules and using some good old common sense at this time would go a long ways towards saving lives.

I have more to say but will sign off for now...

Light It Blue (Thursday, April 9, 2020)